“What Can I Do with a Major in Business Management?”

As companies strive to compete in a global market, they look for employees who are knowledgeable in current business practices and who can effectively evaluate the current competitive environment and meet customer needs. Businesses want employees with strong communication skills who are good at analyzing and solving problems and thinking critically.

A Business Management degree can provide those skills, and earning this degree can increase your job opportunities and salary potential. The study of business management provides a broad education in business management practices and can be pursued on its own or combined with a more specialized area of study such as Entrepreneurship or Supply Chain Management.

About the Program

The purpose of the Business Management program is to provide students with the knowledge, training, and skills development they will need to pursue a successful career in business management. As a Business Management major, you choose the area of specialization that you would like to pursue. The areas of concentration are:  General Management, Entrepreneurship and Supply Chain Management. When you complete the course of study, you will receive a Bachelor of Science in Business Management. 

If your goal is to become a professional manager who is not only a trained decision-maker, but also understands the complex relationships that exist between the manager, the organization, and society at large, then please contact the department for more information.

Are you interested in ...

  • Effectively and efficiently managing people, methods, materials, equipment, and money to meet customer needs
  • Individual and organizational success
  • Leadership
  • Effective communication
  • Critical thinking and analyzing and solving problems
  • Team work

Choose Business Management at ESU

  • Small class size
  • Modern teaching classrooms
  • Qualified, experienced faculty
  • Personal advising by faculty
  • Three concentrations: General Management, Entrepreneurship, and Supply Chain Management

Is Business Management a career path for me?

Career Potential

  • Operations and Manufacturing Manager
  • Small Business Manager, Entrepreneur
  • General or Human Resource Manager
  • Business Analyst


Program Features

45 credits

Required courses:

MGT 200Principles of Management

3 credits

MGT 204Principles of Marketing

3 credits

MGT 211Financial Accounting Fundamentals

3 credits

MGT 212Managerial and Cost Accounting Fundamentals

3 credits

MGT 225Business Law I

3 credits

MGT 250Quantitative Business Analysis

3 credits

MGT 301Financial Management I

3 credits

MGT 352Human Resource Management

3 credits

MGT 355Business Ethics

3 credits

MGT 452Organizational Strategy

3 credits

Concentration courses:

Fifteen credits from one of the following areas:

Management Concentration:

Select any five of the following:

MGT 333Intermediate Managerial and Cost Accounting

3 credits

MGT 351Operations Management

3 credits

MGT 353Small Business Management

3 credits

MGT 354Retail Management

3 credits

MGT 359/HIST 359Labor History and Industrial Relations

3 credits

MGT 362Globalization and International Management

3 credits

MGT 453Organizational Leadership

3 credits

MGT 454/MGT 501Organizational Behavior

3 credits

ECON 332Forecasting Methods

3 credits

Human Resource Management Concentration:

MGT 461Global Human Resource Management

3 credits

MGT 464Compensation and Benefits

3 credits

MGT 466Legal Issues in Human Resource Management

3 credits

And two of the following:
MGT 354Retail Management

3 credits

MGT 453Organizational Leadership

3 credits

MGT 454/MGT 501Organizational Behavior

3 credits

MGT 472Sales Management

3 credits

International Business Concentration:

MGT 319International Financial Management

3 credits

MGT 331Intermediate Financial Accounting I

3 credits

MGT 362Globalization and International Management

3 credits

MGT 372Global Marketing

3 credits

MGT 461Global Human Resource Management

3 credits

Entrepreneurship Concentration:

All of the following are required:

MGT 353Small Business Management

3 credits

MGT 363Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation

3 credits

MGT 370Consumer Behavior

3 credits

MGT 375Innovation and New Product Development

3 credits

MGT 453Organizational Leadership

3 credits

Supply Chain Management Concentration:

MGT 325Logistics Management

3 credits

MGT 351Operations Management

3 credits

MGT 423Total Quality Management

3 credits

MGT 455Supply Chain Management

3 credits

And one of the following:
MGT 350Quantitative Business Analysis II

3 credits

MGT 354Retail Management

3 credits

ECON 332Forecasting Methods

3 credits

Co-requisite courses:

ECON 111GN: Principles of Macroeconomics

3 credits

ECON 112GN: Principles of Microeconomics

3 credits

MATH 110/MATH 111GN: General Statistics

3 credits

MATH 129/MATH 130GN: Applied Algebraic Methods with Foundation Mathematics

3 credits

ENGL 205Workplace Writing

3 credits

CMST 111GN: Introduction to Communication

3 credits

CPSC 100GN: Computer Literacy

3 credits

PSY 100GN: General Psychology

3 credits

MATH 110, MATH 130 or advisor-approved substitutes

Additional requirements:

  • Majors must complete a minimum of five management (MGT) courses at East Stroudsburg University.
  • Majors must attain a major GPA of 2.5 or higher in all management (MGT) courses taken at East Stroudsburg University.
  • Incoming students are admitted as Pre-Business Management majors.  In order to be admitted to the Business Management degree program and be permitted to take upper level (300/400) management courses, pre-business management students must satisfy the following entrance-to-major requirements:
    • Complete all eight required co-requisite courses
    • Complete the following entrance-to-major lower-level business courses: MGT 211, 212, 225, 250
    • Complete a minimum of 45 total semester hours with a cumulative GPA of 2.25.
  • Transfer students (both from other colleges and other majors) must meet the above requirements. If they do not, they are admitted into the pre-business management program.
  • Please see the University requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog.

4 Year Curriculum Program Plan for Business Management

Subject to change by the University without notice.

Freshman Year


ECON 111GN: Principles of Macroeconomics

3 credits

CMST 111GN: Introduction to Communication

3 credits

FYE 100University Studies

3 credits


MATH 110/MATH 111GN: General Statistics

3 credits


MATH 129/MATH 130GN: Applied Algebraic Methods with Foundation Mathematics

3 credits


CPSC 100GN: Computer Literacy

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


ENGL 103English Composition

3 credits

ECON 112GN: Principles of Microeconomics

3 credits

PSY 100GN: General Psychology

3 credits

HPLW 105Health Promotion and Lifetime Wellness

3 credits


MATH 110/MATH 111GN: General Statistics

3 credits


MATH 129/MATH 130GN: Applied Algebraic Methods with Foundation Mathematics

3 credits


Total Credit Hours:15

Sophomore Year


MGT 211Financial Accounting Fundamentals

3 credits

MGT 225Business Law I

3 credits

PSY 100GN: General Psychology

3 credits

XXXX ____Arts/Letters General Education course

3 credits

XXXX ____Social Science General Education course

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


MGT 212Managerial and Cost Accounting Fundamentals

3 credits

MGT 250Quantitative Business Analysis

3 credits

ENGL 205Workplace Writing

3 credits

XXXX ____Arts/Letters General Education course

3 credits

XXXX ____Social Science General Education course

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Junior Year


MGT 200Principles of Management

3 credits

MGT 204Principles of Marketing

3 credits

MGT 301Financial Management I

3 credits

XXXX ____Arts/Letters General Education course

3 credits

XXXX ____Social Science General Education course

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


MGT 301Financial Management I

3 credits

MGT 352Human Resource Management

3 credits

MGT 355Business Ethics

3 credits

MGT ____Concentration Course 1

3 credits

MGT ____300-400 Level elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Senior Year


MGT ____Concentration Course 2

3 credits

MGT ____Concentration Course 3

3 credits

MGT ____300-400 Level elective

3 credits

MGT ____300-400 Level elective

3 credits

XXXX ___Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


MGT 452Organizational Strategy

3 credits

MGT ____Concentration Course 4

3 credits

MGT ____Concentration Course 5

3 credits

XXXX ___Elective

3 credits

XXXX ___Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Total Credit Hours: 120

For more information, contact the department by calling 570-422-3251 or visit www.esu.edu/cbm.

For assistance or special accommodations, call 570-422-3954.