A student at East Stroudsburg University must earn a minimum grade point average of 2.00 in order to graduate (individual departments may, however, stipulate higher graduation requirements), complete the general education requirements and competencies requirements. A student's graduation application initiates his/her graduation clearance process. As designated by the Registrar, the Graduation Services team begins working with the student's department and college to review and finalize the degree requirements. 

Priority processing deadline dates for applying for graduation are December 1 for Fall 2023 and Winter 2024 degree conferral, February 9 for Spring 2024 degree conferral and Summer 2024 degree conferral. The university holds commencement exercises at the end of the spring semester. Students graduating in the Fall, Winter and Summer terms may participate in the Spring commencement ceremony.  

Degree/Certificate Completion

When students submit their “Intent to Graduate” by the established application priority deadline dates based on their completion semester, their academic record will be put through a graduation clearance process. This process requires a thorough review of the student’s academic record with the collaboration of their respective department, college dean and the Graduation Services team. This process is used to certify that students will meet their degree requirements by their intended graduation date. An audit of the student’s degree is performed twice during the graduation clearance process - after the "Intent to Graduate" has been declared and when all coursework is completed at the end of the semester or term. Correspondence will be sent to all students who have submitted their “Intent to Graduate” request after their degree audit has been reviewed to notify students of their graduation status.

If a student has met all the graduation requirements at ESU including the credit minimum (See Graduation Residency policy), the student will be notified and the degree or certificate will be conferred by the Graduation Services team. Degrees are conferred at the end of the fall, winter, spring and summer terms during the following months: December, January, May and August respectively. 

Once a degree has been conferred, the academic record is final and sealed. Changes to enrollment, courses, grades and program of study associated with the degree conferral are not permitted to the academic record of a graduate.  Students who do not meet their degree requirements for the semester/term they had intended upon graduating must declare another “Intent to Graduate” and create a revised plan to complete their degree requirements in a subsequent semester or term. The official degree conferral/graduation date is posted on the student’s permanent record (transcript) as the semester/term when all degree requirements have been completed and confirmed by the Registrar or the designee.


East Stroudsburg University currently holds commencement ceremonies at the end of the spring semester to recognize graduates for their academic success at the institution. Students who have officially indicated their “Intent to Graduate”, registered for all remaining required coursework, or are in progress of making up incomplete (“I”) grades, may be eligible to participate in the commencement exercises.


  • To be eligible to participate in the May commencement, students must complete or be on track to complete their degree requirements by the end of the spring term. Students who will complete an established internship and/or required coursework in the summer must be registered for summer before being considered eligible to participate in a May commencement ceremony.
Participating in the commencement ceremonies does not signify the completion of a student’s degree program. The outcome of the final graduation clearance will determine if a student has met all university and program requirements to be considered a graduate. 

Graduation Honors

In order to qualify for graduation honors, a student must have completed at least 45 credits at East Stroudsburg University. These 45 credits can be accrued through any course, internship and/or field placement including student teaching in which a letter grade is assigned  (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D or E) or a satisfactory grade is ascribed. The check for the 45-credit minimum includes in-progress courses during the student’s graduation semester. The check for the student’s cumulative grade point average is based on all graded coursework.

Students who have the appropriate cumulative grade point average at the time the honors designation is determined, and who will have met the 45-credit minimum once the final semester is completed, will be granted graduation honors as follows: 

Summa Cum Laude       Cumulative grade point average 3.80 or above

Magna Cum Laude        Cumulative grade point average 3.60 to 3.799

Cum Laude                  Cumulative grade point average 3.40 to 3.599 

Graduation honors for the publication of the Commencement Program are based on all graded and in-progress coursework at East Stroudsburg University by the deadline dates below. Please note that graded courseswork contains final grades and not midterm grades. 

  • March 15 of the academic year for spring and summer graduation or
  • November 1 for fall  and winter graduation.

The official university transcript will carry the final honors designation based on all finalized grades completed at the university and the outcome of the final graduation clearance. 

Graduation Residency Requirement

All first baccalaureate degree students will take at least 30 of their last 60 credits at East Stroudsburg University.  All students completing their first undergraduate degree must take at least 50% of the credits required from East Stroudsburg University.

Simultaneous Dual Awards [B.A. and B.S.]

Students wishing to be awarded dual degrees (both a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Arts) must earn a minimum of 150 credit hours while completing all requirements for multiple majors and the general education competencies.

Students meeting all of the requirements of two majors with less than 150 credits may obtain a multiple major designation. In the case of a double major, if the two majors involve multiple degree designations (e.g., B.A. in English and B.S. in Psychology), the student will to select only one degree designation that appears on the transcript and diploma.

Second Degrees

A student who is already the recipient of a baccalaureate degree (either from East Stroudsburg University or from a different regionally accredited university) who wishes to pursue an additional undergraduate field will be required to complete a minimum of 30 credit hours at East Stroudsburg University including the requirements for the major. The program of study for the additional degree is to be approved by the appropriate department chair and appropriate academic dean.