College of Health Sciences
The Faculty of Health Sciences
DeNike Center for Human Services
About the Program
The Department of Nursing offers a four-year program of study that leads to the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in nursing. This program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing Inc. and fully approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing.
Upon completion of the program, a graduate is eligible to apply for the NCLEX-RN Examination for licensure as a registered nurse, and is prepared to function as a generalist in professional nursing practice.
The graduate is also eligible for graduate study based on individual achievement.
The program involves a foundation of liberal arts education with basic preparation in professional nursing.
A capstone project and related clinical experiences at the end of the senior year facilitates a smooth transition from student to graduate role.
Registered nurse baccalaureate graduates are prepared to practice in a variety of settings, which may include hospitals, community agencies, and long-term care facilities.
The mission of the Department of Nursing is to:
- Prepare citizens qualified to practice as professional nurses in successful competition with graduates of colleges and universities throughout the United States;
- Meet national and local leadership needs in nursing and;
- Find personal life satisfaction in nursing practice through ever widening horizons of understanding and service.
The Nursing degree program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing Inc., 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta GA 30326, a specialized accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education. In addition, the program is approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing.
The admission policies for the nursing program are consistent with the university policies found in the university catalog with the following exceptions:
Freshmen Admission Criteria
Consideration for admission is based on the following guidelines:
1. A cumulative high school GPA 3.00 and above.
2. Three units of laboratory science selected among biology, chemistry, and physics. The three
units may include a second year of an earlier course, for example AP biology.
3. Four units of college preparatory mathematics including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and
a math class for which Algebra II is a prerequisite such as trigonometry or pre-calculus.
Freshmen nursing majors will be advised by the Nursing Department Faculty and will register for the following courses:
BIOL 116/117 Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Professions with lab - 4 credits
MATH 110 General Statistics - 3 credits
PSY 100 General Psychology - 3 credits
FYE 100 University Studies - 3 credits
ENG 103 English Composition - 3 credits
Semester total = 16 credits
BIOL 118/119 Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Professions II with lab - 4 credits
HLTH/EXSC 105 Health and Wellness - 3 credits
CMST 111 Introduction to Communication - 3 credits
SOC 102 Introduction to Cultural Diversity - 3 credits
General Education Elective - 3 credits
Semester total = 16 credits
Upon completion of the course work noted above, students with a grade of āCā or better in each course and a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or above will progress in the nursing program to their sophomore year.
Transfer Students
The Department of Nursing admits students as freshmen. Seats become available for students not directly admitted as freshmen. Admission for transfer students is very competitive; successful applicants often have 3.0 or higher GPA. Students who are currently East Stroudsburg University students are given preference for admission into the nursing program.
Other Transfer student criteria:
- Completion of fall semester freshman year, and enrolled in required courses for spring semester.
- Overall GPA 3.0.
- Completion of Anatomy and Physiology I and enrollment in Anatomy and Physiology II and related labs, Statistics, General Psychology, First Year Experience and English Composition with grades of 3.0 or higher in each course, and no grades less than a "C".
- Two letters of recommendation from professors.
- Letter of intent as to why candidate wants to be a nurse.
- Interview with nursing faculty may be conducted after the review of submitted materials to the nursing department.
All materials need to be submitted to the Nursing Department Admissions, Progression, and Graduation committee by Feb 1 for fall placement only.
Core Performance Standards for Admission and Progression
Applicants and students enrolled in the Department of Nursing must possess the necessary behavioral, intellectual, physical, interpersonal, and communication skills to provide nursing care that is safe for the clients, for themselves, and for other healthcare providers. They must be able to provide safe nursing care in a wide variety of settings with diverse clients. Students must meet these core performance standards to qualify for and remain in the nursing program. Where possible, reasonable accommodations will be provided for those individuals with disabilities to enable them to meet these standards and ensure that students are not denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in this program. The core performance standards for this program are identified in the Undergraduate Catalog.
Time Limit for Completing the Program of Study:
All requirements for the degree in the nursing program must be completed within seven years from the date students begin their studies. Exceptions to this requirement may be approved by the department if extenuating circumstances exist.