College of Arts and Sciences
The Faculty of Arts and Letters
Fine and Performing Arts Center, Room 202
About the Program
The mission of the Department of Communication is to prepare students for civic participation in an increasingly complex world that requires sophisticated practical, critical, and theoretical understandings of human communication.
The department offers coursework and degree programs that focus on the history, theory, and critical evaluation of human and mediated communication.
Communication majors secure employment in a variety of fields after graduation including journalism, sales, advertising, public relations, media development, community advocates and broadcasting.
Some graduates pursue advanced degrees at the masters or doctoral level. The department offers a Minor in Communication to students majoring in other disciplines.
Four concentrations are available to students majoring in Communication: Broadcasting, Media Studies, Public Communication and Advocacy, Public Relations. Students may also choose to minor in Communication. Students may also take a double concentration.
Is communication a career path for me?
Career Potential
- Public relations specialist
- Advertising executive
- Media developer
- Broadcaster
- Journalist
- Speech writer
- Public affairs specialist
- Government official
- Media critic
- Sales representative
- Community Advocate
- Social Media Specialist
Are you interested in...
- Communicating persuasively
- Gathering information, preparing stories and informing the public
- Becoming a public figure
Choose Communication at ESU
- Theoretical and critical analyses
- Practical field experiences
- Student clubs
- Qualified, experienced faculty
- Frequent faculty interactions
Internship Opportunities
- The Communication Department’s Internship Program is designed to provide students with real-life working experiences related to the field of communication.
- Internships are considered essential in the areas of Broadcasting and Public Relations, but are also helpful in the areas of Media Studies and Speech Communication
Student Clubs
- WESS Radio (90.3 FM), MTV Winner as "best college radio station in the country"
- PRSSA Chapter (Public Relations Student Society of America)
More detailed career information is available from the department and from the department website: