College of Arts and Sciences

The Faculty of Social Sciences

Stroud 408


Academic Opportunities

Economics students have the opportunity to write for the E-News, a well-established and respected newsletter that has been published since 1997 and is staffed exclusively by student editors. Students are guided by faculty to research and publish articles on international, national and regional economic trends as well as topics related to finance, investment and business issues. Each year the Economics faculty supervises and helps interested and qualified students research, prepare and present papers at the Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at Ursinus College, Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, Eastern Economic Association Annual Conference, etc.

Students can join the Economics Club, and Investment Club, a student organization that helps promote economic and finance career interests. They can also benefit from various guest speaker lectures and educational visits to the Federal Reserve, investment banks, various government offices, and businesses in nearby cities like New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.

Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE), the International Honor Society in Economics, confers distinction for high scholarly achievement in Economics. The Alpha Xi Chapter at ESU has proudly inducted close to 300 students into ODE since its inception.

Every year, three outstanding economics students are offered scholarships, namely: Constantinos Christofides Scholarship in Economics, Starner Scholarship and DeLarco Scholarship.

Students interested in pursuing a career in banking are also offered an opportunity to take part in the internationally recognized Bloomberg Aptitude Test, which is administered every semester in the Kemp Library. This test is widely used by many Wall Street banks and financial institutions when hiring interns and entry-level employees.

The faculties are actively involved in research projects both individually and through the Business Economics Research Group of ESU (BERG), and enjoy great success in procuring funded research projects from both government and private sources. Students benefit by serving as research assistants and contributors under the guidance of experienced faculty researchers.

About the Program

The Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics provides students with the opportunity to obtain a foundation in traditional economic theory and real life applications that are the basis for analytical thinking and sound managerial decision making. Economics students may choose to specialize in any one of three areas: General Economics, Global Economics or Finance.

With its focus on economic theory, analytical rigor and strong research skills, the Economics degree program at ESU prepares students for careers in management, finance and administration in business and the public sector. Students who enter the work force report that they are involved in successful careers at greater than average starting salaries.

Students majoring in Economics are also well-prepared for higher education in business, economics, public administration, banking and law. Graduates who apply to prestigious MBA, law and graduate schools have found that the analytical skills inherent in the economics program are sought after and respected by the best graduate schools.


To provide an excellent undergraduate economics education so that students can critically analyze issues related to the domestic and global economy, financial markets, business and governmental policy, and to prepare them for a successful career or to pursue graduate studies in economics, finance, business management, law and related fields.

The department is characterized by great cultural and programmatic diversity. Students are exposed to a number of traditional and contemporary economics, finance and business and economics courses from experienced faculty whose combined professional interests and expertise cover all of the following areas:

  • Economic Theory and Applications
  • Business Analytics
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Global and Regional Economics
  • Labor Economics
  • Money and Banking

Did You Know?

  • Economics majors are paid one of the highest salaries of all majors?
  • Economics majors receive one of the highest scores on the LSAT?
  • Richard Silverman, admissions director for the Yale School of Management, said: “The best people are more frequently taking economics as their major. . . It shows they have the intellectual fire in the belly to perform well in an MBA program.

Is Economics a career path for me?

Career Settings

The Bachelor of Arts Economics degree prepares students for either graduate studies or careers in:

  • Money and Banking
  • International Trade and Global Markets
  • Business Economics
  • Operations Research
  • Labor Economics
  • Government and Politics
  • Forecasting and Actuarial Work

More detailed career information is available from the department.