College of Health Sciences

The Faculty of Human Performance

Koehler Fieldhouse


The Department of Athletic Training offers two degree programs: Bachelor of Science in Athletic training- Professional Practice and the Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training- Pre-Professional Rehabilitation Sciences. The program has a national reputation for athletic training education, a status built primarily upon the professional contributions of our graduates and a tradition which is proudly represented nationwide.

The Professional Practice program is intended for students interested in obtaining entry-level competency as an athletic trainer. The program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) and is designed to prepare the student to challenge credentialing as an athletic trainer through the Board of Certification ®and appropriate state regulatory agencies. In compliance with accreditation standards, students will not be admitted, enrolled, or matriculated into the baccalaureate level Professional Practice Athletic Training Program after the start of the fall term 2022.

The Pre-Professional Rehabilitation Sciences program is intended to prepare students for entry into professional programs in related rehabilitation sciences areas. This degree will prepare graduates for advanced training and education in athletic training, rehabilitation health sciences and professional health programs including Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physician Assistant and Chiropractic. Graduates will also be ready to enter the rehabilitation and broader healthcare work force in entry level and pre-professional areas upon completion of the degree. Students interested in obtaining BOC certification eligibility requirements through our CAATE Accredited Master of Science in Athletic Training – Professional Practice program should select the B.S. in Athletic Training – Pre Professional Rehabilitation Sciences undergraduate track.

About the Professional Practice Program

Join us in the exhilarating, fast-paced Athletic Training major that is specifically designed to prepare proficient and successful entry-level, certified athletic trainers. The Athletic Trainer is a health care professional who collaborates with physicians and other health care professionals to optimize activity and participation of athletes, patients and clients.  Athletic Training encompasses the prevention, diagnosis and intervention of emergency, acute, and chronic medical conditions involving the impairment, functional limitations, and disabilities.

At its inception in 1975, the Athletic Training Program was one of the few co-educational programs amid the first 25 approved curricula in the nation. Now the program is nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Athletic Training Education (CAATE) and uses a competency-based approach in both classroom and clinical settings designed to teach entry-level athletic training skills. Student knowledge, skill, and professional behaviors are developed with an emphasis on clinical reasoning throughout clinical proficiencies.

Where Are Professional Practice Program Graduates Now?

Alumni regularly pursue advanced and related professional degrees at little or no cost through graduate assistantships. Alumni have received national recognition for their work and have become leaders in research, education and clinical practice. Many alumni serve in secondary schools, colleges and universities, sports medicine clinics and professional sports. Here are a few of the settings our alumni have chosen: public/private high schools, military service, college/university athletics, sports medicine/physical therapy clinics, corporate fitness, strength and conditioning/performance enhancement facilities, professional sports teams, U.S. Olympic Centers, hospitals, and even NASA.

Are You Interested In the Professional Practice Program ...

  • Preventing, recognizing and treating sports injuries?
  • Working with athletes and other physically active people?
  • Learning things “hands-on” and solving “real-life” problems?

Choose a Career in Athletic Training Professional Practice Program at ESU

  • Nationally accredited program since 1975
  • Help physically active patients overcome injury
  • Become a licensed health care professional
  • Provide care before, during and after injuries and illness 
  • Clinical experiences start your sophomore year
  • Qualify for graduate assistantships that PAY YOU to learn
  • Become competitive for employment and advanced degrees

Is a Career in Athletic Training Professional Practice Program the Right Choice for Me?

    Hands-On Learning

    Caring for The Physically Active

  • Evidence-Based Practice
  • Prevention and Health Promotion
  • Clinical Examination and Diagnosis
  • Acute Care of Injury and Illness
  • Therapeutic Interventions
  • Psychosocial Strategies and Referral
  • Healthcare Administration
  • Professional Administration
  • Professional Development and Responsibilities

Clinical Experiences for the Professional Practice Program

  • Clinical Affiliation Agreements with local and regional high schools, colleges and universities
  • Host Site for 18 NCAA Division II varsity sports
  • Instructed/evaluated by qualified clinical preceptors

Career Settings for the Professional Practice Program

  • College and University Settings
  • Secondary schools
  • Hospitals
  • Professional/Olympic sports
  • Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Offices
  • Rehabilitation Centers
  • Occupational Medicine

More detailed information is available at


The Athletic Training – Professional Practice program degree is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Athletic Training Education (CAATE), a specialized accrediting agency recognized by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM), and the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, Inc. (NATA), cooperate to sponsor (CAATE)  and to collaboratively develop the Standards for Entry-Level Athletic Training Programs. (CAATE) is responsible for the accreditation of 360 professional (entry-level) Athletic Training educational programs.  In compliance with accreditation standards, students will not be admitted, enrolled or matriculated into the baccalaureate level Professional Practice Athletic Training Program after the start of the fall term 2022.

Transfer Students

Students transfer to our program from a variety of community colleges and other universities. We welcome any qualified student who is interested in an exciting health professions career to apply and schedule an on-campus appointment with the Program Director (570) 422-3231.  More information about credit and course transfers is available from the Office of Admissions, 877-230-5547.