College of Arts and Sciences
The Faculty of Science
Stroud Hall, Room 114A
About the Programs
ESU offers a Bachelor of Science in Psychology degree.
The Bachelor of Science program offers three concentrations:
- The Counseling concentration prepares students for occupations in the human services field and for graduate study in counseling psychology and related fields.
- The Research concentration allows students to focus on the methods of the discipline, preparing for careers in behavioral research conducted by universities, businesses and government.
- The Applied concentration is flexible, to enable students to either focus on a specific area within applied psychology or explore a broader base. Diverse topics include forensic, industrial/organizational and sports psychology.
Are you interested in...
- Problem-solving
- The mind and behavior
- Helping people
Choose Psychology at ESU
- Small advanced class sizes
- Practical field experiences
- Qualified, experienced faculty
Is Psychology a career path for me?
Career Potential
- Counseling
- Behavioral research
- Graduate school preparation
Career Settings
- Government
- Health care
- Business/Industry
- Education
More detailed career information is available from the department.
Psychology Department Objectives
The objectives of the Department of Psychology are to enrich your understanding of the behavior of humans and other animals; to have you adopt a rational, objective, experiential understanding of behavioral and psychological processes; and to develop the critical thinking abilities that will permit you to distinguish between scientific and nonscientific explanations of behavior. The department adopts a biopsychosocial view, one that explains behavior as a function of both organismic and environmental conditions. You will be introduced to the current body of knowledge in psychology: its data, methods, and theoretical formulations in the principle fields.
Student Organizations
Psychology Association
An organization for students who have a special interest in the fields of psychology, the association gives students the opportunity to broaden their educational experience in psychology through individual and group research and field trips. All students enrolled in a psychology curriculum or concentration, as well as other interested students, are invited to join.
Psi Chi National Honor Society
This national organization encourages, stimulates and maintains excellence in scholarship and advances the science of psychology. Membership is open to students making the study of psychology one of their major interests and who meet minimum qualifications. Membership is by invitation and based on a preliminary review of academic records. Applicants are encouraged to attend ESU chapter meetings and participate in outside activities. Near the end of each semester, applications and participation are reviewed and current members vote on the applicants.