Program Features

56 credits


**The Pre-Professional Rehabilitation Sciences program is NOT accredited by CAATE and does not lead to a pathway for credentialing as an athletic trainer.**

The Pre-Professional Rehabilitation Sciences program is intended to prepare students for entry into professional programs in athletic training and the related rehabilitation sciences such as Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physician Assistant, and Chiropractic.  Students will develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities to compete for entry into a variety of graduate programs in sports medicine and related disciplines.  Students interested in obtaining BOC certification eligibility requirements through our CAATE Accredited Master of Science in Athletic Training – Professional Practice program should select the B.S. in Athletic Training – Pre Professional Rehabilitation Sciences undergraduate track.

Required courses:

ATEP 202/EXSC 202Kinesiology-Applied Anatomy

3 credits

ATEP 230Prevention and Management of Sport and Fitness Injuries

3 credits

ATEP 429/ATEP 529Measurement and Evaluation of Lower Extremity Injuries

3 credits

ATEP 430/ATEP 530Measurement and Evaluation of Upper Extremity Injuries

3 credits

ATEP 432/ATEP 532Therapeutic Modalities in Sports Medicine

3 credits

ATEP 433/ATEP 533Therapeutic Exercise in Sports Medicine

3 credits

ATEP 436/ATEP 536Primary Care for the Athletic Trainer

3 credits

ATEP 445/ATEP 545Rehabilitation for Special Populations

3 credits

and nine additional ATEP 300/400 credits approved by adviser.




BIOL 116GE: Human Anatomy and Physiology I for the Health Sciences

3 credits

BIOL 117Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory for the Health Sciences

1 credit

BIOL 118GE: Human Anatomy and Physiology II for the Health Sciences

3 credits

BIOL 119Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory for the Health Sciences

1 credit

CHEM 123GN: General Chemistry I Laboratory

1 credit

EXSC 310Exercise Physiology I

3 credits

Directed GE:

BIOL 114GN: Introductory Biology I

4 credits

CHEM 121GN: General Chemistry I

3 credits

MATH 110/MATH 111GN: General Statistics

3 credits


3 credits

PSY 100GN: General Psychology

3 credits

_ _ _ Free electives to total 120 credits

Additional Requirements

4 Year Curriculum Program Plan

(Subject to change by the university without notice)

120 Semester Hours

Admission to the Athletic Training Pre-Professional Rehabilitation Sciences Track at East Stroudsburg University is competitive among eligible applicants. Minimum academic requirements have been established for students admitted to the Athletic Training Program and are described below. Exceptions to this requirement may be approved by the ESU Athletic Training Program faculty.

Freshman Year


FYE 100University Studies

3 credits

ATEP 100Introduction to Athletic Training and Rehabilitation Sciences

2 credits

ATEP 240Acute Care of Athletic Injuries and Illness

3 credits

BIOL 116GE: Human Anatomy and Physiology I for the Health Sciences

3 credits


BIOL 117Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory for the Health Sciences

1 credit

CHEM 121GN: General Chemistry I

3 credits

CHEM 123GN: General Chemistry I Laboratory

1 credit

Total Credit Hours:16


BIOL 118GE: Human Anatomy and Physiology II for the Health Sciences

3 credits

BIOL 119Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory for the Health Sciences

1 credit

ATEP 230Prevention and Management of Sport and Fitness Injuries

3 credits

MATH 110/MATH 111GN: General Statistics

3 credits

GN: ____General Education (Group A or C)

3 credits

GN: ____General Education (Group A or C)

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:16

Sophomore Year


BIOL 114GN: Introductory Biology I

4 credits

ATEP 101Healthcare Documentation and Terminology

2 credits

ATEP 202/EXSC 202Kinesiology-Applied Anatomy

3 credits


3 credits

GN: ____General Education (Group A or C)

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:14


EXSC 310Exercise Physiology I

3 credits

ATEP 286Pre-Internship: Athletic Training Proficiencies

3 credits

PSY 100GN: General Psychology

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education (Group A)

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education (Group C)

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:14

Junior Year


ATEP 302Musculosketal Clinical Evaluation and Assessment

3 credits

ATEP 400Evidence-Based Practice in Sports Medicine

2 credits

HPLW 105Health Promotion and Lifetime Wellness

3 credits

XXXX ___Elective

3 credits

ATEP ____ATEP Elective 300 or 400 level

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


ATEP 303Therapeutic and Rehabilitative Clinical Interventions

3 credits

ATEP 310Psychosocial Issues In Sports Medicine

2 credits

ATEP 340Illness Prevention and Health Promotion Workshop

2 credits

ATEP ____ATEP Elective 300 or 400 level

3 credits

GN: ____General Education (Group A or C)

3 credits

GN: ____General Education (Group A or C)

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Senior Year


ATEP 404Pharmacological Aspects in Physical Medicine

2 credits

ATEP 436/ATEP 536Primary Care for the Athletic Trainer

3 credits

ATEP 450/ATEP 550Seminar in Sports Medicine

3 credits

ATEP ____ATEP Elective 300 or 400 level

3 credits

GN: ____General Education (Group A or C)

3 credits

XXXX ___Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


ATEP 451Orthopedic Clinical Specialist Workshop

3 credits

ATEP 486Field Experience and Internship

Semester Hours Arranged

GN: ____General Education (Group A or C)

3 credits

XXXX ___Elective

3 credits

XXXX ___Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

For more information, contact the Athletic Training Department at 570-422-3231.

Koehler Fieldhouse, Office 1B