Minimum academic criteria have been established for all students in this degree program.  Freshman, sophomore, junior and senior level students are evaluated in the fall and spring semesters to determine whether or not they should continue in the nursing program.  The criteria used for evaluation are as follows:

1. Students must show evidence of being able to successfully complete the professional program.  This evidence includes a minimum cumulative grade point average GPA of 3.0.

2. Students entering their first semester in the fall of 2020 will be dismissed if their GPA falls below 2.75 at the conclusion of either the fall or spring semesters.

3. Students who are dismissed will meet with their faculty advisor and receive a letter from the Admissions, Progression and Graduation Committee (APG) and/or chairperson.

4. Students who attain a GPA of 2.76 - 2.99 will be retained in the Nursing Program on a probationary status for one semester only.

5. Students are permitted to be on probation only one semester throughout the nursing program.

6. Students placed on probation will meet with their faculty advisor and receive a letter from the Admissions, Progression and Graduation Committee (APG) or the chairperson.

7. Students dismissed from the nursing program can re-apply when their GPA has increased to 3.0 and they have also achieved a "C" or better in all prerequisite courses.  Students may petition for readmission to the APG committee.  Readmission is dependent upon available seats in the cohort and is not guaranteed.

8. Students much achieve a grade of "C" or better in all courses listed in the nursing curriculum plan which includes nursing and prerequisite courses.  However, a "C" in all required courses does not guarantee progression since the minimum required GPA is 3.0.

9. Students who do not achieve a required progression grade of "C" or better in nursing or prerequisite courses; the student is only permitted to retake one course one time.

10. Students who do not achieve a "C" or better in two (2) nursing or prerequisite courses within the same semester will be dismissed from the nursing program.

11. Students who fail to achieve a passing grade in any co-requisite theory and clinical course must retake both of the co-required courses, even if the student earns a passing grade in one of the co-requisite courses. 

Revised March 2018 in order to maintain NCLEX pass rate mandated by PA State Board of Nursing.

Clinical Nursing Course Requirements

Two months prior to beginning a clinical nursing course, students must submit evidence of current Act 34 clearance, FBI Fingerp and Act 151 child abuse clearance, current CPR certification, professional liability insurance ($1,000,000 per occurrence/$3,000,000 aggregate minimum coverage), appropriate immunizations and titers, and verification of good health, including a negative Mantoux test, or chest x-ray. Immunizations and titers include DT, measles, mumps, Hepatitis B, Rubella vaccine or titer showing immunity and a serology test (VDRL, RPR or STS). Students need to provide evidence of drug screening and yearly flu immunization.

All nursing students must purchase their own malpractice insurance and present evidence prior to enrolling in a clinical nursing course.

RN to BS students are also required to present evidence of current licensure in Pennsylvania. Act 34, FBI Fingerprinting and Act 151 clearance forms and health records indicating recent TB and Flu and COVID immunizations.

Additional Expenses

Additional expenses required of students as they progress through the Nursing Program are uniform costs, travel expenses to clinical sites, online testing packages used for NCLEX state board preparation, and application fees for licensure.  All nursing students enrolled in clinical courses will have an added fee of $1,000 per semester.

Credit By Examination

Credit for nursing courses may be earned through credit by examination for those students with previous clinical experiences or coursework. Other methods of earning credit are explained in the Advanced Placement section of this catalog.

Eligibility for Licensure Examination

Graduates of the Bachelor of Science program are eligible to apply to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing Examination for licensure to practice as Registered Nurses. Prospective students should note that there are restrictions on licensure due to felony convictions related to controlled substances. For additional information, contact the Nursing Department at 570-422-3474.

Student Organizations

Students are encouraged to join their professional organization, the Student Nurses Association. This is the local chapter of the National Student Nurses Association.

Grievance Procedure

The university’s grievance procedure can be found in the university’s Student Handbook.

Nursing Honor Society

Senior students who have achieved a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and who rank in the highest 35 percent of their class are eligible to apply for induction into the Xi Beta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, the nursing honor society.