In this course, students will apply the mathematical foundations of probability and statistics, and of mathematics of finance, to actuarial science.  Students will review the foundational topics and solve applied problems in the pricing and structure of insurance.  Furthermore, students will use the techniques of net present value and focal dates of financial payments to solve insurance related problems.  The goal is to prepare students to pass the Society of Actuaries exams on probability and financial math.

Additional Pre-Requisite: Students intending to sit for the the Society of Actuaries exams must also take MATH 280 (Grade 'C' or better).


3 credits


MATH 140 (Grade 'C' or better) and MATH 141 (Grade 'C' or better) and MATH 240 (Grade 'C' or better) and MATH 311 (Grade 'C' or better)


Advanced (ADVD)


Academic Level: 140-UG Level 4 Advanced

Modalities: In Person