About the program:

This program emphasizes practical applications of statistics.  Students who complete this program will be educated consumers of statistical information and capable of many types of data analysis.

Program Features

18 credits

Required courses:

MATH 110/MATH 111GN: General Statistics

3 credits

MATH 318Exploratory Data Analysis with R

3 credits

MATH 402Applied Statistical Methods

3 credits

MATH 416Linear Statistical Modeling with SAS

3 credits


MATH 487Internship in Statistics

3 credits


ECON 332Forecasting Methods

3 credits

Co-requisite course:

CPSC 100GN: Computer Literacy

3 credits


CPSC 101GN: Computer Literacy in Science

3 credits


CPSC 120GN: Introduction to Computer Programming for Science and Engineering

3 credits


CPSC 130GN: Introduction to Computer Programming I

3 credits

Additional requirement:

A grade of C or better must be earned in all required courses.