- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Concentration in Applied Biological Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Concentration in Applied Chemical Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Concentration in Applied Computer Science Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Concentration in Applied Financial Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Concentration in Applied Physical Mathematics
About the Program
The Bachelor of Science in Mathematics -
- With concentrations in Applied Biological Mathematics, Applied Chemical Mathematics, Applied Computer Science Mathematics, Applied Financial Mathematics, or Applied Physical Mathematics, the program provides the student with an opportunity to gain a solid and comprehensive knowledge of mathematics with an extensive introduction to one of the many areas that rely heavily on mathematics. Students in this program will have an option of including an internship experience as part of their studies.
- The student must complete the core requirements and the requirements for one of the areas to fill the requirements for this major. Concentration options include biology, chemistry, computer science, finance and physics.
Are you interested in ...
- Hands-on working experiences
- Problem solving
- Real world applications
- Analyzing data
- Constructing mathematical models
Choose Mathematics at ESU
- Small class sizes
- Qualified, experienced faculty
- Frequent faculty interactions
- Service-Learning Opportunities
Is Applied Mathematics a career path for me?
Career Potential
- Computer Scientist
- Actuary
- Computer Software Engineer
- Financial Analyst
- Operations Research Analyst
Career Settings
- Municipal, state and federal government agencies
- Pharmaceutical companies
- Financial institutions
- Engineering firms
- Market research firms
More detailed career information is available from the department
Program Features
59 - 60 credits
This program provides the student intent on seeking employment once the bachelor’s degree is completed with an opportunity to gain a solid and comprehensive knowledge of mathematics together with an extensive introduction to one of the many areas that rely heavily on mathematics. Students in this program will have an option of including an internship experience as part of their studies.
The student must complete the core requirements and the requirements for one of the concentrations below to fill the requirements for this major.
Core Courses:
Required for all concentrations:
All concentrations:
CPSC 101 | GN: Computer Literacy in Science | 3 credits |
CPSC 130 | GN: Introduction to Computer Programming I | 3 credits |
ENGL 204 | Technical Writing | 3 credits |
CMST 111 | GN: Introduction to Communication | 3 credits |
Biology Concentration:
MATH 341 | Differential Equations | 3 credits |
BIOL 114 | GN: Introductory Biology I | 4 credits |
BIOL 115 | Introductory Biology II | 4 credits |
and 3 credits of 300 or higher level Biology courses
Chemistry Concentration:
MATH 341 | Differential Equations | 3 credits |
CHEM 121 | GN: General Chemistry I | 3 credits |
CHEM 123 | GN: General Chemistry I Laboratory | 1 credit |
CHEM 124 | GE: General Chemistry II | 3 credits |
CHEM 126 | GE: General Chemistry II Laboratory | 1 credit |
and 3 credits of 300 or higher level Chemistry courses
Computer Science Concentration:
MATH 341 | Differential Equations | 3 credits |
CPSC 131 | Introduction to Computer Programming II | 3 credits |
CPSC 141 | Introduction to Computer Organization | 3 credits |
CPSC 230 | Programming Principles and Practice | 3 credits |
and 3 credits of 300 or higher level Computer Science courses
Finance Concentration:
MATH 280 | Mathematics Of Finance | 3 credits |
ECON 111 | GN: Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 credits |
ECON 112 | GN: Principles of Microeconomics | 3 credits |
ECON 332 | Forecasting Methods | 3 credits |
and 3 credits of 300 or higher level Economics courses
Physics Concentration:
and 3 credits of 300 or higher level Physics courses
Additional requirements:
- A grade of “C” or better in all courses used to satisfy the major.
- A minimum of 15 credits of the mathematics courses required for this degree must be completed at East Stroudsburg University.
4 Year Curriculum Program Plan
(Subject to change by the university without notice)
Freshman Year
MATH 140 | GN: Calculus I | 4 credits |
OR | | |
MATH 135 | GN: Pre-Calculus | 3 credits |
| | |
ENGL 103 | English Composition | 3 credits |
CPSC 101 | GN: Computer Literacy in Science | 3 credits |
FYE 100 | University Studies | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15-16 |
MATH 141 | GN: Calculus II | 4 credits |
OR | | |
MATH 140 | GN: Calculus I | 4 credits |
| | |
CPSC 130 | GN: Introduction to Computer Programming I | 3 credits |
CMST 111 | GN: Introduction to Communication | 3 credits |
GenEd ___ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 13 |
Sophomore Year
MATH 220 | Discrete Mathematical Structures | 3 credits |
| | |
MATH 240 | Multivariate Calculus | 4 credits |
OR | | |
MATH 141 | GN: Calculus II | 4 credits |
| | |
XXXX ____ | Concentration Course 1 | 3-4 credits |
HPLW 105 | Health Promotion and Lifetime Wellness | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 13-14 |
MATH 240 | Multivariate Calculus | 4 credits |
MATH 320 | Linear Algebra | 3 credits |
XXXX ____ | Concentration Course 2 | 3-4 credits |
ENGL 204 | Technical Writing | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 13-14 |
Junior Year
MATH ____ | Math Concentration Course | 3 credits |
XXXX ____ | Concentration Course 4 | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Senior Year
MATH 425 | Introduction to Mathematical Modeling | 3 credits |
MATH ___ | Math Elective | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
XXXX ___ | Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 12 |
Total Credit Hours: 120
For more information, contact the department at 570-422-3447 or email at mathdept@esu.edu. For assistance or special accommodations, call 570-422-3954.