About the Program:
This option is for students who want to focus their studies on mathematics. It’s ideal for students intending to go to graduate school in mathematics or anyone looking for intensive study of mathematics. Students will explore both pure and applied mathematics.
Program Features
45 credits
Core Courses
Required mathematics courses:
and 12 credits in MATH at the 300 level or higher (no more than three credits of MATH 486 can be applied toward these credits).
CMST 111 | GN: Introduction to Communication | 3 credits |
CPSC 101 | GN: Computer Literacy in Science | 3 credits |
CPSC 130 | GN: Introduction to Computer Programming I | 3 credits |
ENGL 204 | Technical Writing | 3 credits |
and three credits in a Foreign Language.
Additional Requirements:
A grade of C or better must be earned in all required mathematics and cognate courses.
A minimum of 15 credits of the mathematics courses required for this degree must be completed at ESU.
Students in this concentration are encouraged to pursue a minor.
4 Year Curriculum Program Plan
(Subject to change by the university without notice)
Freshman Year
MATH 140 | GN: Calculus I | 4 credits |
OR | | |
MATH 141 | GN: Calculus II | 4 credits |
| | |
MATH 220 | Discrete Mathematical Structures | 3 credits |
OR | | |
GenEd ____ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| | |
CPSC 130 | GN: Introduction to Computer Programming I | 3 credits |
CMST 111 | GN: Introduction to Communication | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
Sophomore Year
Junior Year
Senior Year