Program Features

74 Credits

Required courses:

CHEM 121GN: General Chemistry I

3 credits

CHEM 123GN: General Chemistry I Laboratory

1 credit

CHEM 124GE: General Chemistry II

3 credits

CHEM 126GE: General Chemistry II Laboratory

1 credit

CHEM 233Organic Chemistry I

3 credits

CHEM 234Organic Chemistry II

3 credits

CHEM 235Organic Chemistry I Laboratory

1 credit

CHEM 236Organic Chemistry II Laboratory

1 credit

CHEM 317Biochemistry Laboratory

1 credit

CHEM 341Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry

3 credits

CHEM 342Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory


CHEM 353Physical Chemistry I

4 credits

CHEM 375Analytical Chemistry

3 credits

CHEM 376Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

1 credit

CHEM 495Chemistry Seminar

3 credits

Co-requisite courses:

BIOL 114GN: Introductory Biology I

4 credits

BIOL 115Introductory Biology II

4 credits

MATH 140GN: Calculus I

4 credits

MATH 141GN: Calculus II

4 credits

PHYS 161GN: Physics I

4 credits

PHYS 162Physics II

4 credits

Required professional education courses:

PSED 161Foundations of Education

3 credits

SPED 102Diversity of the Learner

3 credits

PSED 250The Psychology of Learners In Diverse Communities

3 credits

SPED 350Assessment of Student Learning and Behavior in Diverse Communities

3 credits

REED 350Teaching Reading to Communities of Diverse Learners

3 credits

Student Teaching:

Students seeking certification to teach in Pennsylvania must also take:
PSED 420Seminar in Secondary Education I: Instructional Structures and Strategies

3 credits

PSED 421Seminar in Secondary Education II: Teaching Secondary Students In Diverse, Inclusive Classroom

3 credits

PSED 430Student Teaching in Secondary Education | Middle and Junior High School

6 credits

PSED 431Student Teaching in Secondary Education/ Senior High School

6 credits

PSED 446Teaching of Science in the Secondary Schools

3 credits

CHEM 499Student Teaching Internship

1 credit

Total Credit Hours:22

Recommended courses:

CHEM 373Environmental Quality: The Chemical Approach

4 credits

CHEM 493Research In Chemistry

3 credits

GEOG 120GN: Physical Geography

3 credits


GEOG 121GN: Physical Geology

3 credits

DMET 262Educational Communications and Technology

3 credits


Additional requirements:

Pennsylvania Requirements

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania establishes requirements for all candidates in teacher preparation programs. Please refer to the section The College of Education in this catalog for specific requirements for admission into teacher education programs.

ALL teacher education students should be in frequent consultation with their academic advisers both in CHEM and PSED to make sure they are meeting the appropriate program and certification requirements which will vary depending on a variety of circumstances.

These General Education selections meet two of the Pennsylvania requirements for Chemistry certification candidates:

ENGL: any GN English Literature course (as a Group A GenEd elective)

GEOG 120 and/or GEOG 121 (as a Group C GenEd elective)

Certain additional General Education courses have particular relevance for chemistry teachers.

Among your 12 credits from 4 areas in Humanities Group A, consider these courses:

CMST 111GN: Introduction to Communication

3 credits

MLSP 116GN: Spanish I

3 credits

MLSP 117GN: Spanish II

3 credits


ENGL 177GN: Environmental Literature

3 credits


ENGL 180GN: Literature and Science

3 credits


ART 251GN: Sculpture

3 credits

ART 253GN: Introduction to Ceramics

3 credits

ART 254GN: Painting I

3 credits

ART 256GE: Watercolor Painting

3 credits


THTR 230GN: Stagecraft

3 credits


THTR 102GN: Acting

3 credits


PHIL 221GN: Logic I

3 credits


Among your 12 credits from 4 areas in Social Studies Group C, consider these courses:

GEOG 120GN: Physical Geography

3 credits


GEOG 121GN: Physical Geology

3 credits


GEOG 220Meteorology

3 credits

GEOG 320Climatology

3 credits

GEOG 321Geomorphology

3 credits

Students in a 4 1/2 or 5 year or M.S. plan with time for elective credits should also consider:

CHEM 373Environmental Quality: The Chemical Approach

4 credits

CHEM 493Research In Chemistry

3 credits

4 Year Curriculum Program Plan

(Subject to change by the university without notice)

Freshman Year


CHEM 121GN: General Chemistry I

3 credits

CHEM 123GN: General Chemistry I Laboratory

1 credit

MATH 140GN: Calculus I

4 credits

ENGL 103English Composition

3 credits

PSED 161Foundations of Education

3 credits

FYE 100University Studies

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:17


CHEM 124GE: General Chemistry II

3 credits

CHEM 126GE: General Chemistry II Laboratory

1 credit

MATH 141GN: Calculus II

4 credits

PHYS 161GN: Physics I

4 credits

SPED 102Diversity of the Learner

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Sophomore Year


CHEM 233Organic Chemistry I

3 credits

CHEM 235Organic Chemistry I Laboratory

1 credit

PHYS 162Physics II

4 credits

PSED 250The Psychology of Learners In Diverse Communities

3 credits

ENGL ___ENGL Literature GenEd Elective

3 credits

HPLW 105Health Promotion and Lifetime Wellness

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:17


CHEM 234Organic Chemistry II

3 credits

CHEM 236Organic Chemistry II Laboratory

1 credit

PSED 250The Psychology of Learners In Diverse Communities

3 credits

GEOG 121GN: Physical Geology

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group A)

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group C)

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:16

Junior Year


CHEM 353Physical Chemistry I

4 credits

BIOL 114GN: Introductory Biology I

4 credits

REED 350Teaching Reading to Communities of Diverse Learners

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group A)

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group C)

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:14


CHEM 341Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry

3 credits

CHEM 342Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory


CHEM 495Chemistry Seminar

3 credits

BIOL 115Introductory Biology II

4 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group C)

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:13

For students seeking certification:

PSED 420Seminar in Secondary Education I: Instructional Structures and Strategies

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3

Senior Year


CHEM 315Biochemistry

3 credits

CHEM 317Biochemistry Laboratory

1 credit

CHEM 375Analytical Chemistry

3 credits

CHEM 376Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

1 credit

GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group A)

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group C)

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective (Group A)

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:17

For students seeking certification:

PSED 421Seminar in Secondary Education II: Teaching Secondary Students In Diverse, Inclusive Classroom

3 credits

PSED 446Teaching of Science in the Secondary Schools

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:6


XXXX ___Elective

3 credits

XXXX ___Elective

3 credits

XXXX ___Elective

3 credits

XXXX ___Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:12

For students seeking certification:

PSED 430Student Teaching in Secondary Education | Middle and Junior High School

6 credits

PSED 431Student Teaching in Secondary Education/ Senior High School

6 credits

CHEM 499Student Teaching Internship

1 credit

Total Credit Hours:13

Total Credit Hours: 127

For more information, contact the department at 570-422-3342 or visit