Program Features

42 credits

Requirements Courses:

18 credits
HIST 141GN: United States History to 1877

3 credits

HIST 143GN: United States History since 1877

3 credits

HIST 320Introduction to Public History

3 credits

HIST 352History of Pennsylvania

3 credits

HIST 390Seminar I: Introduction to Historical Methodology

3 credits

HIST 495Seminar: Historical Research and Presentation

3 credits

One of the following:

3 credits
HIST 272GN: Modern European History

3 credits

HIST 350Evolution of Western Capitalism

3 credits

HIST 371Medieval and Renaissance Europe, 500-1500

3 credits

HIST 372Reformations and European Wars of Religion

3 credits

HIST 382Modern Britain

3 credits

HIST 383Modern European Revolutions

3 credits

HIST 473Modern Germany

3 credits

One of the following:

3 credits
HIST 111GN: World History to 1500

3 credits

HIST 113GN: World History since 1500

3 credits

Additional credits:

6 credits
HIST 486Field Experience and Internship

1 - 15 credits

9 additional credits:

HIST ____Nine additional semester hours in History

9 credits

Required courses from other departments:

MGT 200Principles of Management

3 credits

ENGL 205Workplace Writing

3 credits

GEOG 110GN: Cultural Geography

3 credits


CMST 126GN: Introduction to Mass Media

3 credits


CMST 253GN: Public Speaking

3 credits