57 credits

Program Features

Required courses:

GEOG 121GN: Physical Geology

3 credits


GEOG 220Meteorology

3 credits


PHYS 126GN: Introduction to Weather Forecasting

3 credits


PHYS 121GN: Astronomy | The Sky and Solar System

3 credits

PHYS 122GN: Astronomy | Stars and Galaxies

3 credits

PHYS 124Observational Astronomy Lab

1 credit

Total Credit Hours:16

Choose one course from the following list:

BIOL 200General Ecology

3 credits

CHEM 108GN: Environmental Chemistry

3 credits

CHEM 373Environmental Quality: The Chemical Approach

4 credits

GEOG 422/GEOG 522Watershed Hydrology

3 credits

Choose two of the following list:

BIOL 474Introduction to Oceanography

3 credits

GEOG 320Climatology

3 credits

GEOG 321Geomorphology

3 credits

PHYS 304Modern Physical Astronomy

3 credits

PHYS 305Physics of the Atmosphere

3 credits

PHYS 404Introductory Astrophysics

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:6

For more information, contact Program Coordinator David Buckley at 570-422-3351 or dbuckley@esu.edu.