Coordinator: Professor James C. Hunt

This is a directed degree program giving students firsthand knowledge via field experiences at the Wallops Island Marine Station as well as in-depth training in the theoretical aspects of marine science.

Program Features

63 credits

Required courses:

BIOL 114GN: Introductory Biology I

4 credits

BIOL 115Introductory Biology II

4 credits

BIOL 388Investigations in Marine Science

1 credit

BIOL 460Marine Ecology

3 credits


BIOL 462Mammalogy

4 credits


BIOL 466Marine Ichthyology

3 credits


BIOL 474Introduction to Oceanography

3 credits

BIOL 498Research in Marine Science

3 credits

BIOL 370/BIOM 570Marine Biology

3 credits

and four courses in Marine Science taken at the Wallop’s Island field station. No more than six credits of internship may be applied toward Biology requirements for this degree.

BIOL 288: (two credits)

Co-requisite courses:

CHEM 121GN: General Chemistry I

3 credits

CHEM 123GN: General Chemistry I Laboratory

1 credit

CHEM 124GE: General Chemistry II

3 credits

CHEM 126GE: General Chemistry II Laboratory

1 credit

CHEM 233Organic Chemistry I

3 credits

CHEM 235Organic Chemistry I Laboratory

1 credit

GEOG 121GN: Physical Geology

3 credits

MATH 110/MATH 111GN: General Statistics

3 credits

PHYS 131GN: Fundamental Physics I

4 credits

PHYS 132Fundamental Physics II

4 credits

Additional requirements:

This is a directed degree program giving students firsthand knowledge via field experiences at the Wallops Island Marine Station as well as in-depth training in the theoretical aspects of marine science.

Field Experience

The Marine Science Consortium at Wallops Island, Va., maintains labs and has classrooms, research vessels and equipment for studies of marine and coastal biology.