When you register for classes each term, you agree to pay the fees and charges assessed by ESU.

Fall/Winter registration takes place in March/April.
Spring/Summer registration takes place in October/November.

Course registration begins at different times for different groups of students.

  1. Graduate Students
  2. Priority Groups [Active Military, Veterans, ROTC, Honors Program, Student Athletes, etc]
  3. Continuing Undergraduates [in order]
  4. [Senior] More than 89.5 credits
  5. [Freshman] Less than 29.5 credits
  6. [Junior] Between 60 and 89.5 credits s
  7. [Sophomore] Between 30 credits and 59.5 credits
  8. Non-degree/non-matriculated

Please see below for order and visit the Ready . . . Set . . . Register! Webpage for more information