ADD/DROP PERIOD: Calendar Days 1 to 8
During the Add-Drop period, a student may adjust their class schedule by adding and dropping classes. The period provides students with one full week plus the weekend to add or drop courses without receiving a "W" grade. Courses dropped from the student’s schedule will not appear on the student’s transcript for that semester/term.

ADD COURSE: Courses may be added during the first eight calendar days for the Fall and Spring semesters through the MyESU student portal. Please check with the professor before adding a class online to make sure the student will be able to complete any coursework already assigned and to confirm that any course pre-requisites (if any) have been met.

A student attending a course without proper registration and payment of all tuition and fees does not constitute de facto enrollment. The university does not permit retroactive enrollment or payment for any courses once the term in which the course was offered ends.

WAITLISTS:  Final waitlist processing occurs the week before the semester begins and if a student is still on a waitlist after this time there is no guarantee the student will be automatically enrolled in the course if a seat becomes available.

DROP COURSE: Courses may be dropped with no record on the student’s academic transcript during the first eight calendar days for the Fall and Spring semesters through the MyESU student portal.

WITHDRAW PERIOD: Calendar Day 9 to 10th Week
Students who withdraw from course(s) beginning on semester day nine through the 10th week of classes will receive a grade of “W” for the course(s) on their permanent academic record. Instructor permission may be required to withdraw from a course.

After the 10th week, a student may only withdraw due to extraordinary circumstances (e.g. illness, death in the family, etc.) and requires the appropriate dean's approval. "W" grade is assigned for courses a student is passing and a "Z" grade is assigned for courses a student is failing.

Any student who discontinues attendance in a course without formally withdrawing will be assigned an "FN" as a final grade which will affect the student's GPA.



15 Week [Full]

7 Week [Quarter]

No Transcript Record

Day 1 – Day 8

Day 1 – Day 4

Grade of W

Day 9 – Week 10

Day 5 – Week 5

No Withdrawal*

Week 11 – Week 15

Week 6 – End

 *Except for extraordinary circumstances as previously defined.

A student who has not attended a course during the first week may be dropped from the course by the instructor. This is defined as the first five class days for the Fall and Spring semesters or the first two days of a summer session.

“W”/”Z” GRADE CREDIT LIMIT: 16 Credits
A student may withdraw ("W" or "Z") from a maximum of 16 credits during the student's stay at the university. Any course(s) dropped during the semester drop period, for which no grade is assigned, or "W'" grades assigned as a result of a total university withdrawal will be counted toward this limit.