Grades are the method of assessing student progress. Students are issued grades at mid-semester and a final grade at the end of the semester.

Course Credit

Course credit is measured in credits. A credit represents academic work equivalent to one hour per week in class plus two hours per week of outside studying for a semester. Class periods at East Stroudsburg are generally 50 minutes in length and are regarded as class hours. A semester is 15 calendar weeks. A credit is also equivalent to 15 weeks of full-time study whether in class or outside of class. In some courses two hours of laboratory per week for a semester earns one credit, while in other courses three hours of laboratory or fieldwork per week for a semester earns one credit. For example, CHEM 353 Physical Chemistry (4) is a course in Chemistry which earns four credits.

Academic Credit Hour Policy

The credit hour serves as ESU’s common measure of instruction based on the expected number of contact hours of coursework during the semester/term. All credit hours awarded by East Stroudsburg University will conform with the definitions and guidance outlined by the U.S. Department of Education (CFR, Title 34: Education, Part 600 – Institutional Eligibility under the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, Subpart A-General, Section 600.2), the Pennsylvania State Board of Education Curricular Credit Policy (22 Pa. Code Chapter 31, §§ 31.21) and the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (Verification of Compliance with Accreditation-Relevant Regulations, 2016). One credit hour of instruction equals 15 hours over the term, forty-five hours for a three credit course. Please note that not all of this instruction is necessarily conducted face-to-face with an instructor. Different types of courses require different amounts of contact time and may be delivered in multiple formats to students including but not limited to distance education, face-to-face, hybrid and interactive media.

A semester hour of contact time is defined as at least fifty minutes of contact each week in a standard semester. East Stroudsburg University follows the Pennsylvania System of Higher Education Academic Calendar (Board of Governor’s Policy 2002-04). The standard semester – fall and spring – includes 16 weeks where 14 weeks are used for instruction, one week is assigned for final examinations each semester and once week used for non-teaching days in the fall semester and spring break in the spring semester. In the absence of a Common Calendar, ESU will follow the USDOE guidance that defines a semester as having 15 weeks inclusive of 1 week for final examinations.

The following standards are intended to specify the minimum contact time for the assignment of one (1) semester / credit hour. Some courses may exceed these minimum standards.


Course Type

Total Semester Hours (minimum)

Total Actual Contact Minutes




150 minutes X 15 = 2,250



50 minutes X 15 = 750



100 minutes X 15 = 1,500

*Internship/Practicum/Field Experience


60 minutes X 15 = 900



100 minutes X 15 = 1,500

Physical Activity


150 minutes X 7.5 = 1,110

 *calculated based on an actual work week.

Additional information regarding the Academic Credit Hour policy can be found online at


Grade Reports

Student grade reports are available at mid-semester and at the end of the semester. Only the semester grades are entered on the student’s permanent records (transcript). Semester grade reports are available through the student portal myESU. Specific information about access to the student portal is emailed to each student upon his or her initial enrollment at East Stroudsburg University.

It is the responsibility of each student to check grade reports at mid-semester and at the end of the semester. Students are expected to check grade reports as they are available to be aware of academic performance in each course, to register for courses for the next semester, and to address issues related to course grades. Grade reports are an important tool for assessing academic progress.

Course Numbers

Course numbers are used to indicate the level of a course and the year in which courses are usually taken by students and/or the minimum number of prerequisite course(s) a course requires for admission.

Developmental Courses

Lower Level Undergraduate [100:299]

  • 100:199:  Introductory/Foundation Courses
    • 0 to 1 Pre-requisites
  • 200:299:  Intermediate/Foundation Courses
    • Fewer than Two Pre-Requisites

Upper Level Undergraduate [300:499]

  • 300:399: Intermediate/Advanced Courses
    • At least 1 Pre-Requisite
  • 400:499: Advanced Courses
    • At least 2 Pre-requisites

Student should read the course catalog description for more detailed information regarding prerequisite(s) for that course. In cases where students have not completed the prerequisites for a particular course, they may request a waiver of the prerequisites from the course instructor.

Transfer Courses without ESU Equivalent

Any transfer course that does not have an exact ESU course equivalent will have these transfer courses recorded on their permanent academic record (transcript) to satisfy either a general education requirement or a department elective. Course descriptions for these transfer courses are not available but may be applied to degree requirements.

  • SUBJ 199: General Education [GN] elective
  • SUBJ 299: Departmental Elective
  • ELEC 299: General Elective

Quality Point System

In addition to meeting course and credit requirements for graduation, students must maintain a specified academic level throughout a given curriculum as measured by quality points. The minimum number of quality points required for graduation is twice the number of credits attempted. Pass/fail courses are not used in the computation of the quality point average. Work completed at other colleges and accepted as transfer credit is not considered in computing the quality point average. The required quality point average for graduation is 2.00 or higher. Some degree programs require a higher cumulative quality point average.

Each credit grade is calculated as follows:

A 4.0 quality points
A- 3.667 quality points
B+ 3.333 quality points
B 3.0 quality points
B- 2.667 quality points
C+ 2.333 quality points
C 2.0 quality points
C- 1.667 quality points
D 1.0 quality points
E 0 quality points
 FN 0 quality points

The following grades are not counted in calculating a student GPA:

F                      Failure (Pass/Fail)
I                       Incomplete
L                      Audit – Complete
M                    Military Leave of Absence
ML                  Military Leave of Absence Completed
N                     Academically forgiven [appears before grade being forgiven]
O                     Ongoing
P                      Pass (Pass/Fail)
R                      Repeat (used prior to fall 2011)
S                      Satisfactory
T                      Transfer Course
U                     Unsatisfactory
X                      No Grade Reported
Y                      Audit – Incomplete
W                    Withdrew Passing
Z                      Withdrew Failing


The maximum time for completing course requirements to remove incomplete grades is one semester from the end of the session in which the “I” grade was assigned. After that time, the “I” grade will automatically be converted by the Registrar to an “E,” “F,” or “U,” based on the grade mode for the course. The student can then only earn credits for the course by registering for it again in another semester.

If a student applies for graduation in a session before the one semester period has expired, the course requirements must be completed by the end of that session, or the “I” grade will be converted by the Registrar to an “E,” “F,” or “U” based on the grade mode for the course.

Students who cannot complete the required coursework during the specified time period should notify the faculty member as soon as possible. A faculty member who chooses to deviate from this policy will require the student to sign a contract specifying conditions necessary for course completion, which may include a time period for completion of less than one year or other conditions. The faculty member will also notify the Registrar of any changes to the completion date.

Repeat Grades

Undergraduate students will be limited to a maximum total of six repeats during their enrollment at East Stroudsburg University. This is an individual course count (not credit). Students cannot repeat more than six courses.

A single course can only be taken a maximum of three times. That is, the course should appear no more than three times on a transcript. The most recent grade, regardless of whether it is higher or lower, will be the grade used for the GPA calculation. All other grades earned for repeated courses will be marked as such on the student’s academic transcript.