Student teaching is the culminating experience in a series of planned laboratory and field experiences. Student teachers spend a full semester off campus in a regular classroom under the guidance and direction of a fully certified, master teacher.

The university provides each student with the additional support of a university faculty member with a background in supervision and instruction. Student teaching is planned to provide an opportunity for continued professional growth in the application of theory, methods, and subject content. Students are placed in school districts with which the university has an executed affiliation agreement or articulation contract.

All student teaching arrangements are made through the Office of Field Experiences and Partnerships. It is inappropriate for students to make their own student teaching arrangements.

Student teachers are expected to comply with the following list of requirements:

  1. Establishing personal transportation to and from the assigned school district.
  2. Adhere to school district policies, procedures, ethics codes, schedules, and dress codes.
  3. Purchase Student P.S.E.A. Liability Insurance.
  4. Continue to hold current required clearances. An unacceptable clearance will result in the student being removed from student teaching.
  5. Make arrangements for housing.