Rosenkrans Hall West, Room 107

Dean Nieves Gruneiro-Roadcap


The College of Arts and Sciences includes the Faculties of Arts and Letters, Science, and Social Sciences. Following the custom of hundreds of years, the faculties and disciplines represented in the school offer a basic core of knowledge to which other dimensions and specializations are added.

The Faculty of Arts and Letters


  • Art + Design
  • Communication 
  • Digital Media Technology
  • English
  • Integrated Art and Design
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Philosophy
  • Spanish
  • Theatre


  • Art
  • Chinese Language and Culture
  • Communication 
  • English
  • International Studies
  • Media Communication and Technology
  • Philosophy
  • Spanish
  • Spanish for the Professions
  • Theatre  
  • Women and Gender Studies

Teacher Certification

  • English
  • Spanish


  • Business Writing
  • Data Visualization
  • 3D Printing and Product Design

Secondary Education program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in English is offered jointly with the College of Education.

Studies in the liberal and fine arts enrich the intellectual, emotional, and social lives of all students, and thereby contribute to future success in any specific career. The student who majors in an Arts and Letters field enjoys flexible scheduling to reflect wide interests. The degree provides students with skills that are highly valued in the work place while also providing a strong foundation for graduate study.

The Faculty of Science

Offers the following degree programs:


  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemical Biotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Computer Security
  • Earth and Space Science
  • Environmental Studies
  • General Science
  • Marine Science
  • Mathematics
  • Medical Technology
  • Physical Science
  • Physics
  • Psychology

Cooperative Professional Degree Programs with other institutions

  • Engineering
  • Medical Technology


  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science Applications
  • Mathematics
  • Psychology

Teacher Certification

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Earth and Space Science
  • General Science
  • Mathematics
  • Physics


  • Crisis Intervention

Students participating in the programs in science have great opportunities to enter a wide variety of fields, many of which are career-oriented and involve professional training and internships.

In all science disciplines from Biology to Psychology, students have opportunities to conduct research as an undergraduate. Students often present their findings at research conferences. These experiences are useful for students heading to graduate or medical school as well as students looking for immediate employment.

Here are some examples. A student whose primary interest includes biology can study biotechnology, laboratory medicine, environmental studies, or marine science. Secondary education programs leading to the bachelor of science degree with a major in biological sciences, chemistry, earth and space science, general science, mathematics, or physics are offered jointly with the Faculty of Education.

Students may concentrate and/or prepare for further studies in the areas of environmental studies, medical technology, physical therapy, mental health, pre-medical school, marine science, and professional engineering. Students desiring to enter one of these programs should indicate such interest on the application for admission.

Some combination of chemistry and biology is valuable in any one of these programs. A major in any one or a combination among biology, chemistry and physics prepares one for medical, dental, optometry or pharmacy school.

The curriculum in Environmental Studies has been designed to meet the needs of students seeking an integrated interdisciplinary background within the tradition of a liberal education. The program is intended to provide students with an opportunity to select courses from various disciplines that will strengthen their understanding of environmental problems. The broad interdisciplinary nature of the program permits students to enroll in courses offered by different academic divisions and by various departments.

Foundational to all sciences, mathematics is available for students through a series of courses, a minor, or as a major, including a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics.

Cooperative engineering programs with Penn State University or other participating engineering schools permit a student to complete a Bachelor of Science in engineering at one of these institutions in two years, after completing the first three years at East Stroudsburg University. The student is also awarded the Bachelor of Arts degree from East Stroudsburg University with a major in any one or combination among the fields of chemistry, mathematics and physics. Similar arrangements in medical technology, pharmacy, and podiatry are also available.

Courses in computer science, including computer security, prepare students with valuable experience and training for jobs in industry and in management positions.

Research opportunities along with internships and training programs in psychology at hospitals and industries are useful in jobs related to human relations or as preparation for graduate study.

The Faculty of Social Sciences

Offers the following degree programs:


  • Criminal Justice
  • Economics
  • History
  • Political Science
  • Social Work
  • Sociology


  • Economics
  • Economics and Management Interdisciplinary
  • Geography
  • History
  • Political Science
  • Sociology

Teacher Certification

  • Social Studies


  • Geographic Information Systems

The Faculty of Social Sciences promotes the scholarly tradition in the disciplines of anthropology, geography, history, political science, and sociology. The faculty is committed to the belief that an education centered in the liberal arts is essential in the preparation of potential teachers and in a wide variety of professional careers. A secondary education program leading to a bachelor of science degree with a double major in social studies and either history, geography, economics or political science is offered jointly with the Faculty of Education.


A democratic society needs to generate a pool of people with the training, philosophical perspectives, and broad academic knowledge to assume leadership roles and to become responsible citizens in today’s changing social, political, economic, and demographic environment. Accordingly, the Faculty of Social Sciences’ programs are designed specifically for men and women who are career-oriented.

The Faculty of Social Sciences’ curricula permit students to broaden their knowledge through general education requirements and to concentrate in an academic discipline through the departmental requirements of the chosen major.

The Criminal Justice Administration and Social Work concentrations are professional programs for those students who satisfy general education requirements and complete a departmental major. These concentrations provide academic and practical approaches by critically examining and interrelating subject matter within the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Economics majors will obtain a foundation in traditional economic theory that is the basis for the analytical thinking and sound managerial decision-making. Students may choose to specialize in Quantitative Economics, Global Markets, or Finance. The B.A. in Economics will prepare students to either pursue graduate studies in Economics or to enter the work force with careers in management, finance, and applied economics. Graduates have achieved careers such as actuaries, economics researchers, data analyst careers in management, stock brokers, and account executives.