Offers the following degree programs:

Department of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management


  • Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management


  • Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management

The Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management program provides a Bachelor of Science degree for students preparing for a career in the hospitality industry. A core of required courses represents every segment of the hospitality field; electives are selected to complement these and, along with the general education requirements of the university, a well-rounded curriculum results.

The travel and tourism industry is one of the largest, most dynamic industries in the world. Students of the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management program are introduced to this exciting industry and will be prepared to enjoy a successful career in the travel and tourism industry. All courses are taught by faculty who combine excellent academic credentials with a strong professional background.

The Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management program is further enhanced through activities supported by the hospitality industry. Students participate in hotel and restaurant shows, tour hospitality facilities, listen to industry speakers, attend career days, and conduct special projects for the industry.

Department of Leadership Studies and Military Science / Army ROTC

East Stroudsburg University offers students the opportunity to participate in Army ROTC through a partnership with the North East Pennsylvania (NEPA) Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Battalion.

The primary objective of the Reserve Officer Training Program is to develop leadership capabilities in students and to train future officers for the active Army, U.S. Army Reserve and Army National Guard. The ROTC program is an extensive leadership development program that concentrates on developing leaders through the demonstration of the seven Army values and 16 key leadership dimensions.

Department of Recreation Services Management


  • Recreation Services Management

Career Emphasis Areas

  • Commercial
  • Outdoor
  • Therapeutic

The program in Recreation Services Management provides a Bachelor of Science degree for students preparing for a career in recreation. Students may choose emphasis areas in commercial, outdoor, and therapeutic recreation. Courses cover all aspects of recreation and leisure, from recreation for persons with disabilities, to resort recreation, to environment interpretation. The department has three full-time tenured faculty and approximately 100 majors. The degree program is fully accredited by the National Recreation and Park Association. The department has maintained accreditation since 1983.

Department of Sport Management


  • Sport Management

A degree in Sport Management prepares students for careers as administrators and managers in athletic, health, and country clubs, as well as entry-level management positions in college and professional athletic organizations. Through this program, students are prepared for a diversity of roles in the areas of sport marketing and promotions, facility management and planning, activity programming and events management.

Internships are available in the areas of professional sports, college athletics, amateur and Olympic athletes and recreation sport. This program follows the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) and National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) requirements.