Students who have been away for more than three consecutive academic semesters are readmitted based on the current catalog requirements for the semester they will be resuming their studies.  Depending on how long a student has been away, requirements in the academic program of study may have changed.

The readmission application is designed for undergraduate students who were previously registered at ESU, and have been away from ESU for one or more regular academic terms. These students intend to re-enroll at ESU and not to study at another institution during this time. 

Students who have been away from ESU for more than three semesters must complete a returning student form at

Students planning to study or intern abroad, or participate in the International Student Exchange Programs, should schedule an appointment with the Coordinator of International Programs to coordinate this process.

There is no need to apply for readmission if you received an Official Withdrawal (W grades) for the semester prior to the one in which you would like to return to the university.



Admission Notification

  • Applicants will receive communication throughout the admission process via the email address they provided on the application.
  • Applicants should keep their address updated with ESU and check their inbox and spam folders. Email any changes to with your full name and ID number.
  • Admissions decisions may be communicated by email or USPS.  Applicants can also check their status online at