Who is a Freshman Applicant?

A freshman applicant:

  • Has not attended any post-secondary institution after high school graduation.
  • Has attempted less than 12 college credits after high school graduation. 
  • May have enrolled in college courses while in high school (dual enrollment), regardless of the numbers of credits attempted/completed.

Application Dates

Prospective freshmen can apply to be reviewed for the Spring or Fall 2024 semesters. The application is available online at www.esu.edu/apply. We recommend that you submit all application materials as early as the summer before your senior year for the best access to financial aid and housing options.   

Spring 2024 Semester

   January 8, 2024   
Regular Admission*
 Fall 2024 Semester

   April 1, 2024 Priority Admission
 *Thereafter  Rolling Admission (applications considered on a space available basis

Application Requirements and Review Process


For an admission decision to be made the following must be submitted:

  • A complete online application
  • A $25 application fee non-refundable application fee is required for any application for admission.  Acceptable payment methods include MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express when the online application is submitted or personal check / money order made payable to ESU.
  • Official high school transcript1
  • Official college transcript (if applicable) 
  • SAT and/or ACT test results and/or TEAS test results2

Academic achievement is the primary factor considered in the selection process, through high school transcripts and standardized test results. Competitive applicants will have enrolled in a solid college preparatory curriculum, including at least:

  • 4 years of English
  • 3 years of college preparatory Math to include Algebra 1, Geometry, & Algebra II; a math course of which Algebra II is a prerequisite is recommended for seniors
  • 3 years of Science, to include Biology & Chemistry (with labs), and one inquiry-based science such as Physics, Environmental Science, or Earth Science
  • 3 years of Social Studies such as Civics, U.S. History, World History, Geography, or Economics

1  Only high school transcripts that are provided from the student's school counselor or another high school official will be considered official.  A copy of a transcript that the student is able to obtain can be submitted and used to begin the decision making process.  However, an official copy of the transcripts will still need to be provided to accompany the student's application and records.

2  Applicants who are admitted and choose to enroll will be required to submit their final official transcript(s) to verify that their information is correct and to confirm graduation.  All admission decisions are conditional upon successful completion of the final term(s)/year of enrollment.  Students are required to submit final, official transcripts reflecting graduation from high school no later than 30 days after the start of the term to which they have been admitted.  

3  ESU's admission process is test-optional. However, students are required to submit SAT and/or ACT and/or TEAS test scores if they are:  home schooled, a recruited student athlete, or are interested in select scholarships. 

Standardized test scores may be used to determine placement in English and Math courses. 

To have SAT or ACT scores sent to East Stroudsburg University, contact College Board at www.collegeboard.org or (866) 630-9305.  To have ACT scores sent, contact American College Testing Program at www.act.org or (319) 337-1313. 

ESU’s SAT code is 2650 and its ACT code is 3700

Admission Notification

  • Once an application is complete with all required documents, ESU Admissions will review the application with a 2-4 week turnaround.  All applicants are notified by a USPS mailed official letter, as well as notification via the email address provided on the application and the applicant portal.  Periodically, emails are sent to applicants about missing documents.  Please check the applicant portal frequently to ensure that all official application documents are received.
  • Applicants should keep their address updated with ESU and check their inbox and spam folders. Email any changes to admission@esu.edu with your full name and ESU issued ID number.
  • Applications for the following academic year are reviewed beginning in July.   
  • Applicants to Nursing and other selective programs may receive an admission decision later in the admissions cycle. This process allows additional review time to determine the appropriate candidates for the limited seats in these programs.

Campus Visitations

ESU offers a variety of visit opportunities, both on weekdays and weekends throughout the year.  Registration for on campus visit experiences may be found at esu.edu/visit