(As applicable for Academic Programs/Majors/Minors)
An undergraduate student is subject to academic requirements and regulations for the catalog year in effect at the beginning of their first semester as a registered matriculated student.
The only exceptions to this policy are stated below:
- A student who first attends the university during the summer will be subject to the requirements and regulations in effect for the upcoming academic year.
- A student who makes a change to their academic program [major, minor, concentration] after matriculation is subject to the program requirements outlined in the catalog in effect at the time of change.
- A student may choose to follow all regulations and academic program requirements in effect in the current catalog. It is the student’s responsibility to meet with their adviser to discuss the requirements and the adviser will notify the Student Enrollment Center to complete the change.
- A student who discontinues attendance for one or more consecutive semesters (fall/spring or spring/fall) will be subject to the regulations and program requirements in effect when the student is readmitted to the university.
- This includes students dismissed from the university for academic or disciplinary reasons.
- Some programs are subject to requirements that originate with legal and governing authorities outside the university (for example, requirements for teachers and other professional certifications). Such requirements are sometimes subject to change for all participants on a specific date and do not lend themselves to implementation by catalog year.
- Some academic departments place time restrictions on the completion of major courses and/or major requirements. Such restrictions are clearly articulated in the university catalog and take priority over this policy.
Please note: Occasionally the university will adopt or revise a regulation (other than an academic program requirement) that cannot equitably or administratively be implemented by the catalog year. In those cases, all students shall be advised of the change at least one full semester in advance and through several venues before the change goes into effect.