About the Program
A combination of courses in mathematics and pedagogy, this major prepares students for a successful career as a mathematics teacher in grades seven to 12. In this program, which has achieved National Recognition status from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, students complete a full and rigorous mathematics program that satisfies state and national standards for content and which blends practical and theoretical knowledge with hands-on experiences.
Are you interested in...
- Formulating and solving problems
- Teaching ideas to others
- Being creative
- Helping others
Choose Mathematics at ESU
- Small class sizes
- Qualified, experienced faculty
- Frequent faculty interactions
- Technology
Is teaching mathematics a career path for me?
Career Potential
Career Settings
- Public schools
- Private schools
- Charter schools
More detailed career information is available from the department.
Program Features
80 credits
Required courses:
MATH 140 | GN: Calculus I | 4 credits |
MATH 141 | GN: Calculus II | 4 credits |
MATH 220 | Discrete Mathematical Structures | 3 credits |
MATH 240 | Multivariate Calculus | 4 credits |
MATH 311 | Statistics I | 3 credits |
MATH 320 | Linear Algebra | 3 credits |
MATH 351 | Modern Geometry | 3 credits |
MATH 421 | Abstract Algebra | 3 credits |
MATH 425 | Introduction to Mathematical Modeling | 3 credits |
MATH 430 | History Of Mathematics | 3 credits |
MATH 431 | Teaching Mathematics Using Technology | 3 credits |
MATH 499 | Student Teaching Internship | 1 credit |
| three semester hours from courses numbered 300 to 485 | 3 credits |
Co-requisite course:
CPSC 130 | GN: Introduction to Computer Programming I | 3 credits |
OR | | |
CPSC 131 | Introduction to Computer Programming II | 3 credits |
Required professional education courses:
PSED 150 | Introduction to Teaching All Students | 6 credits |
PSED 250 | The Psychology of Learners In Diverse Communities | 3 credits |
PSED 420 | Seminar in Secondary Education I: Instructional Structures and Strategies | 3 credits |
PSED 421 | Seminar in Secondary Education II: Teaching Secondary Students In Diverse, Inclusive Classroom | 3 credits |
PSED 430 | Student Teaching in Secondary Education/ Middle School/Junior High School | 6 credits |
PSED 431 | Student Teaching in Secondary Education/ Senior High School | 6 credits |
PSED 436 | Teaching of Mathematics in the Secondary Schools | 3 credits |
REED 350 | Teaching Reading to Communities of Diverse Learners | 3 credits |
PSED 161 | Foundations of Education | 3 credits |
SPED 102 | Diversity of the Learner | 3 credits |
Additional Requirements:
Admission to Teacher Education Program
- 2.5 GPA in Math and 3.0 GPA overall
- Note: Grades of A,” “B” or “C” must be earned in all of the required MATH and CPSC courses. A minimum of 15 credits of the mathematics courses required for this degree must be completed at East Stroudsburg University.
- Please see the university requirements in this catalog.
All teacher education students should be in frequent consultation with their academic advisers to make sure they are meeting the appropriate program and certification requirements which will vary depending on a variety of circumstances.
4 Year Curriculum Program Plan
(Subject to change by the university without notice)
Freshman Year
MATH 140 | GN: Calculus I | 4 credits |
OR | | |
MATH 135 | GN: Pre-Calculus | 3 credits |
| | |
ENGL 103 | English Composition | 3 credits |
PSED 150 | Introduction to Teaching All Students | 6 credits |
FYE 100 | University Studies | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15-16 |
MATH 141 | GN: Calculus II | 4 credits |
OR | | |
MATH 140 | GN: Calculus I | 4 credits |
| | |
CPSC 130 | GN: Introduction to Computer Programming I | 3 credits |
PSED 250 | The Psychology of Learners In Diverse Communities | 3 credits |
GenEd ___ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
GenEd ___ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Sophomore Year
MATH 220 | Discrete Mathematical Structures | 3 credits |
| | |
MATH 240 | Multivariate Calculus | 4 credits |
OR | | |
MATH 141 | GN: Calculus II | 4 credits |
| | |
HPLW 105 | Health Promotion and Lifetime Wellness | 3 credits |
ENGL ____ | English Literature Course | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
MATH 240 | Multivariate Calculus | 4 credits |
OR | | |
GenEd ____ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| | |
MATH 320 | Linear Algebra | 3 credits |
REED 350 | Teaching Reading to Communities of Diverse Learners | 3 credits |
MATH ____ | Math Elective | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15-16 |
Junior Year
MATH 311 | Statistics I | 3 credits |
MATH 351 | Modern Geometry | 3 credits |
SPED 350 | Assessment of Student Learning and Behavior in Diverse Communities | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
GenEd ___ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
MATH 425 | Introduction to Mathematical Modeling | 3 credits |
MATH 431 | Teaching Mathematics Using Technology | 3 credits |
PSED 420 | Seminar in Secondary Education I: Instructional Structures and Strategies | 3 credits |
PSED 436 | Teaching of Mathematics in the Secondary Schools | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Senior Year
MATH 421 | Abstract Algebra | 3 credits |
MATH 430 | History Of Mathematics | 3 credits |
PSED 421 | Seminar in Secondary Education II: Teaching Secondary Students In Diverse, Inclusive Classroom | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
GenEd ___ | General Education Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
PSED 430 | Student Teaching in Secondary Education/ Middle School/Junior High School | 6 credits |
PSED 431 | Student Teaching in Secondary Education/ Senior High School | 6 credits |
MATH 499 | Student Teaching Internship | 1 credit |
| Total Credit Hours: | 13 |
Total Credit Hours: 121
For more information, contact the department by calling 570-422-3447 or email at mathdept@esu.edu.
For assistance or special accommodations, call 570-422-3954.