Fast Facts About the Exploratory/Undeclared Studies Student

  • More than 600 ESU students have not yet declared a major.
  • “Exploratory/Undeclared” is one of the largest majors on campus.
  • More than 200 freshmen enter ESU as exploratory/undeclared every year.
  • Nationally, almost 50 percent of students who enter college and universities are undecided about their academic and career goals.
  • Seventy-five percent of students in colleges and universities change their majors at least once before graduation.
  • On average, people change their careers seven times throughout their lives.

Selecting a major does not mean you are stuck in a career!

Advisee Responsibilities

As an advisee, you have clear responsibilities in the advising partnership. In order to be successful, you should:

  • Schedule an appointment with your academic adviser during each semester.
  • Arrive prepared to each appointment with questions and your advising portfolio.
  • Keep an advising portfolio where you keep official documents and keep a record of your progress toward meeting your educational goals.
  • Enroll in the courses that you and your academic adviser have determined from educational objectives.
  • Be an active learner by participating fully in the advising experience.
  • Declare a major by 60 credits.

Advantages of the Exploratory/Undeclared Major

Advantages of the Exploratory/Undeclared Major

  • Students may take the time they need to clarify life and career goals.
  • Students can develop a suitable educational plan.
  • Students receive assistance with the selection of appropriate courses.
  • Students receive help with interpreting institutional requirements.
  • Students receive help with exploring other majors.

Majors: Choosing and Changing

If you haven’t chosen a major, don’t worry. You’re in good company. Many students are undecided about their majors when they enter college, and many who decided change their minds more than once before they graduate. Use your freshman year and the general education curriculum to explore academic options, and to sample ideas and approaches from other disciplines.

Examine your academic interests by asking yourself these questions: What do I do well? What subjects did I enjoy in high school? What activities did I participate in? What do I like to read about? If you have any special skills or interests, they should be apparent from how you answer these questions. A good guide to what really interests you is what you choose to do on your own, as well as your previous experiences with part-time work, volunteer work, hobbies, sports, and travel.

Office of Academic Advising for Exploratory/Undeclared Students

The primary purpose of the Office of Academic Advising for Exploratory/Undeclared Students is to assist students who are undecided about a major in the development of meaningful educational plans that are compatible with students’ life goals. Academic advisers provide assistance with:

  • General course selection
  • Explanation of degrees and degree requirements
  • Development of a program of study
  • Selection of an academic major
  • Academic concerns and issues
  • Referral to other ESU resources and services
  • Unofficial progress check toward graduation

Academic advisers for the undeclared student apply knowledge of teaching, advising, learning, and human development to encourage educational experiences that lead to intellectual and personal growth.

Office of Academic Advising For Exploratory/Undeclared Students

Director of Undeclared Advising

Dr. Jack Truschel

For more information, contact the department at 570-422-3164. Rosenkrans East