Program Features

60 credits

Required courses:

ART 151GE: Basic Drawing

3 credits

ART 153GE: Two-Dimensional Design

3 credits

ART 154GE: Three-Dimensional Design

3 credits

ART 201GE: History of Art I

3 credits

ART 202GE: History of Art II

3 credits

ART 254GE: Painting I

3 credits

Studio Art/Design Concentration:


Requirements List

ART 414Portfolio In Art

3 credits

ART 496Fine Arts Seminar

3 credits

Six additional Studio Art-Design courses

ART 207GE: Letterforms

3 credits

ART 220GE: Graphic Design I

3 credits

ART 251GE: Sculpture

3 credits

ART 252GN: Object Design

3 credits

ART 253GE: Ceramics I

3 credits

ART 256GE: Watercolor Painting

3 credits

ART 260GE: Printmaking I

3 credits

ART 280GE: Communication Graphics

3 credits

ART 290Special Topics:

(Semester hours arranged)

ART 310Painting Seascapes: Ocean Bays and Marshes

3 credits

ART 320Graphic Design II

3 credits

ART 321GE: Drawing II

3 credits

ART 354Ceramics II

3 credits

ART 355Ceramic Sculpture

3 credits

ART 356GE: Painting II

3 credits

ART 401Composition & Painting

3 credits

ART 405Illustration

3 credits

ART 485IS:

1 - 3 credits

ART 486Field Experience & Internship (Semester hours arranged)

1 - 15 credits

One additional Art History courses from

ART 290Special Topics:

(Semester hours arranged)

ART 302GE: American Art

3 credits

ART 304GE: Art Gallery Management

3 credits

ART 305GE: The Visual Arts Since 1945

3 credits

ART 307GE: Modern Art

3 credits

ART 412WS: Women Artists: From the Middle Ages to the Present

3 credits

ART 485IS:

1 - 3 credits

ART 486Field Experience & Internship (Semester hours arranged)

1 - 15 credits

Art History Concentration:


Requirements List

ART 496Fine Arts Seminar

3 credits

Six additional Art History courses from

ART 290Special Topics:

(Semester hours arranged)

ART 302GE: American Art

3 credits

ART 304GE: Art Gallery Management

3 credits

ART 305GE: The Visual Arts Since 1945

3 credits

ART 307GE: Modern Art

3 credits

ART 412WS: Women Artists: From the Middle Ages to the Present

3 credits

ART 485IS:

1 - 3 credits

ART 486Field Experience & Internship (Semester hours arranged)

1 - 15 credits

One additional Studio or Art History course from

ART 220GE: Graphic Design I

3 credits

ART 251GE: Sculpture

3 credits

ART 253GE: Ceramics I

3 credits

ART 256GE: Watercolor Painting

3 credits

ART 260GE: Printmaking I

3 credits

ART 280GE: Communication Graphics

3 credits

ART 290Special Topics:

(Semester hours arranged)

ART 310Painting Seascapes: Ocean Bays and Marshes

3 credits

ART 320Graphic Design II

3 credits

ART 321GE: Drawing II

3 credits

ART 354Ceramics II

3 credits

ART 355Ceramic Sculpture

3 credits

ART 356GE: Painting II

3 credits

ART 401Composition & Painting

3 credits

ART 405Illustration

3 credits

ART 485IS:

1 - 3 credits

ART 486Field Experience & Internship (Semester hours arranged)

1 - 15 credits


15-18 semester hours from interdisciplinary areas, including ART, upon advisement from faculty in both Art + Design and related departments. At least 6 credits must be from 300-400 level courses. May include but are not limited to:

CMST 111GE: Introduction to Communication

3 credits

CMST 126GE: Introduction to Mass Media

3 credits

CMST 136GE: Introduction to Popular Culture

3 credits

CMST 163GE: Introduction to Film Study

3 credits

CMST 230GE: Small Group Communication

3 credits

CMST 253GE: Public Speaking

3 credits

CMST 255Introduction to Public Relations

3 credits

CMST 307GE: Art and History of Film

3 credits

CMST 348GE: Media Criticism

3 credits

CMST 367Advertising and Propaganda

3 credits

CMST 410Comparative Media

3 credits

DMET 105Introduction to Digital Photography

3 credits

DMET 155Introduction to Web Design

3 credits

DMET 160Introduction to Multimedia

3 credits

DMET 305Intermediate Digital Photo

3 credits

DMET 350Media Graphics and Designs

3 credits

DMET 355Advanced Web Design

3 credits

DMET 375Imaging Technology

3 credits

DMET 405Commercial Photography

3 credits

DMET 477Interactive Media and Social Media

3 credits

DMET 478Introduction to Interactive 3D

3 credits

PHYS 111Engineering Graphics

2 credits

MLCH 116GE: Chinese I

3 credits

MLCH 117GE: Chinese II

3 credits

MLCH 214GE: Chinese III

3 credits

MLCH 215GE: Chinese IV

3 credits

MLCH 221Reading Chinese

3 credits

MLCH 235Chinese Listening and Speaking

3 credits

MLFR 116GE: French I

3 credits

MLFR 117GE: French II

3 credits

MLFR 214GE: French III

3 credits

MLFR 215GE: French IV

3 credits

MLGR 116GE: German I

3 credits

MLGR 117GE: German II

3 credits

MLGR 214GE: German III

3 credits

MLGR 215German IV

3 credits

MLIT 116GE: Italian I

3 credits

MLIT 117GE: Italian II

3 credits

MLIT 214GE: Italian III

3 credits

MLIT 215GE: Italian IV

3 credits

MLSP 116GE: Spanish I

3 credits

MLSP 117GE: Spanish II

3 credits

MLSP 214GE: Spanish III

3 credits

MLSP 215GE: Spanish IV

3 credits

MGT 200Principles of Management

3 credits

MGT 204Principles of Marketing

3 credits

MGT 211Financial Accounting Fundamentals

3 credits

MGT 353Small Business Management

3 credits

MGT 363Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation

3 credits

MGT 370Consumer Behavior

3 credits

MGT 375Innovation & New Product Development

3 credits

THTR 100GE: Introduction to Theatre

3 credits

THTR 210GE: Design for the Performing Arts

3 credits

THTR 230GE: Stagecraft

3 credits

THTR 240GE: Stage Make-Up

3 credits

THTR 302GE: History of Theatre I

3 credits

THTR 304GE: History of Theatre II

3 credits

THTR 430GE: Scenic Design

3 credits


Additional requirements:


  • Directed GE: Art History concentration: 6 from History, Modern Languages, English, Philosophy, or Theater History.

    At least 21 semester hours in art must be completed at East Stroudsburg University. Portfolio required for admission to the program in studio art and design concentrations.  

4 Year Curriculum Program Plan

(Subject to change by the university without notice)

Freshman Year


ART 151GE: Basic Drawing

3 credits

ART 153GE: Two-Dimensional Design

3 credits

MUS 100GE: Introduction Music

3 credits

ENGL 103English Composition

3 credits

GE: Science or Social Science

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


ART 101GE: Introduction to Art

3 credits

ART Elective (200-, 300-, 400-level)

3 credits

THTR 100GE: Introduction to Theatre

3 credits

GE: English, Philosophy, or Foreign Language

3 credits

GE: Science of Social Science

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Sophomore Year


ART 201GE: History of Art I

3 credits

MUS 311GE: Music of the Classical and Romantic Era

3 credits

ART Elective (200-, 300-, 400-level)

3 credits

GE: Science or Social Science

3 credits

GE: English, Philosophy, or Foreign Language

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


ART 202GE: History of Art II

3 credits

ART Elective (200-, 300-, 400-level)

3 credits

GE: Science or Social Science

3 credits

GE: English, Philosophy, or Foreign Language

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Junior Year


Upper-Level Music Course

3 credits


THTR 302GE: History of Theatre I

3 credits


THTR 304GE: History of Theatre II

3 credits


ART Elective (200-, 300-, 400-level)

3 credits

GE: Science or Social Science

3 credits

General Education Course

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


ART Elective (200-, 300-, 400-level)

3 credits

Upper-Level Theatre Course

3 credits

GE: Science or Social Science

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Senior Year


ART Elective (200-, 300-, 400-level)

3 credits

GE: Science or Social Science

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


ART 496Fine Arts Seminar

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:12

For more information, contact the Department of Art + Design 570-422-3694,