Program Features

18 credits

Required courses:

ART 101GE: Introduction to Art

3 credits

ART 151GE: Basic Drawing

3 credits

Studio Art concentration:


ART 101GE: Introduction to Art

3 credits

ART 151GE: Basic Drawing

3 credits

ART 251GE: Sculpture

3 credits


ART 253GE: Ceramics I

3 credits

ART 254GE: Painting I

3 credits

and 6 semester hours from:
ART 220GE: Graphic Design I

3 credits

ART 252GN: Object Design

3 credits

ART 256GE: Watercolor Painting

3 credits

ART 260GE: Printmaking I

3 credits

ART 310Painting Seascapes: Ocean Bays and Marshes

3 credits

ART 321GE: Drawing II

3 credits

ART 354Ceramics II

3 credits

ART 355Ceramic Sculpture

3 credits

ART 356GE: Painting II

3 credits

ART 401Composition & Painting

3 credits

ART 485IS:

1 - 3 credits

Art History concentration:

ART 101GE: Introduction to Art

3 credits

ART 151GE: Basic Drawing

3 credits

ART 201GE: History of Art I

3 credits

ART 202GE: History of Art II

3 credits

and 6 semester hours from:
ART 302GE: American Art

3 credits

ART 305GE: The Visual Arts Since 1945

3 credits

ART 307GE: Modern Art

3 credits

ART 412WS: Women Artists: From the Middle Ages to the Present

3 credits

ART 485IS:

1 - 3 credits

ART 486Field Experience & Internship (Semester hours arranged)

1 - 15 credits