The Office of Student Engagement fosters leadership, synergy, and community at ESU through holistic, diverse, and innovative programs and service opportunities which dynamically enhances the Warrior experience.

We offer engagement opportunities in four areas:

Community: We offer weekly activities with performers, talent showcases, interactive games and themed events, including Warrior Splash, Color Me Warrior, Paint & Sip, competitions, Warriors Got Talent, and trips to Dorney Park, New York City and Philadelphia to watch a musical or sporting event.

Leadership: Leadership By Design is a certification in five areas of development: Leadership, Career, Wellness, Diversity & Service. Students can join a cohort and attend weekly meetings, completing certifications to obtain various rewards at graduation. Learn more at

Civic Engagement: Student Engagement offers an annual Alternative Spring Break, and recurring service brigades in the tri-state area where students can give back directly to the community.

Diversity: Student Engagement leads various campus-wide initiatives for diversity and social justice programming, as well as support initiatives like Hispanic, Black, and Native American History Months, along with Coming Out Week. Major events include Pocono Latin Fest and ESU Pride.

For more information call 570.422.3291 or visit