About the Program
The B.S. in Marketing is designed to prepare students for professional careers as:
- Marketing Managers
- Advertising Account Executives
- Retail Managers
- Marketing Research Analysts
- Brand Managers
- Chief Marketing Officers
- Sales Managers
The Marketing B.S. will provide students with the essential knowledge in areas of advertising, consumer behavior, sales management, marketing research, and strategy, with an emphasis on the application of ethical principles and an understanding of how the business environment (specifically the influence of political, social, legal, regulatory, environmental, competitive and technological concerns) affects the decisions managers need to make. Additionally, the program will emphasize spreadsheet and statistical software skills, decision making skills, analysis, evaluation, and effective data visualization.
Program Features
57 credits (required courses and cognate courses)
Co-requisite Directed General Education courses:
CMST 111 | GN: Introduction to Communication | 3 credits |
PSY 100 | GN: General Psychology | 3 credits |
ECON 111 | GN: Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 credits |
MATH 110/MATH 111 | GN: General Statistics | 3 credits |
ENGL 205 | Workplace Writing | 3 credits |
CPSC 103 | GN: Introduction to Information Technology | 3 credits |
Co-requisite Cognate courses:
ECON 112 | GN: Principles of Microeconomics | 3 credits |
MATH 129/MATH 130 | GN: Applied Algebraic Methods with Foundation Mathematics | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 6 |
Additional requirements:
- 2.5 GPA in required courses
- Please see the University requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog.
Required courses:
MGT 200 | Principles of Management | 3 credits |
MGT 201 | Decision Science I | 3 credits |
MGT 204 | Principles of Marketing | 3 credits |
MGT 211 | Financial Accounting Fundamentals | 3 credits |
MGT 212 | Managerial and Cost Accounting Fundamentals | 3 credits |
MGT 225 | Business Law I | 3 credits |
MGT 250 | Quantitative Business Analysis | 3 credits |
MGT 301 | Financial Management I | 3 credits |
MGT 352 | Human Resource Management | 3 credits |
MGT 355 | Business Ethics | 3 credits |
MGT 452 | Organizational Strategy | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 33 |
Choose six courses from the following:
MGT 325 | Logistics Management | 3 credits |
MGT 350 | Quantitative Business Analysis II | 3 credits |
MGT 354 | Retail Management | 3 credits |
MGT 370 | Consumer Behavior | 3 credits |
MGT 371 | Advertising Management | 3 credits |
MGT 375 | Innovation and New Product Development | 3 credits |
MGT 470 | Marketing Research | 3 credits |
MGT 471 | Marketing Management and Strategy | 3 credits |
MGT 472 | Sales Management | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 18 |
4 Year Curriculum Program Plan for Marketing
Subject to change by the University without notice.
Freshman Year
PSY 100 | GN: General Psychology | 3 credits |
CMST 111 | GN: Introduction to Communication | 3 credits |
| | |
MATH 090 | Intermediate Algebra | 3 credits |
OR | | |
MATH 129/MATH 130 | GN: Applied Algebraic Methods with Foundation Mathematics | 3 credits |
| | |
ECON 111 | GN: Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 credits |
FYE 100 | University Studies | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
HPLW 105 | Health Promotion and Lifetime Wellness | 3 credits |
ECON 112 | GN: Principles of Microeconomics | 3 credits |
ENGL 103 | English Composition | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Course | 3 credits |
CPSC 103 | GN: Introduction to Information Technology | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Sophomore Year
MGT 211 | Financial Accounting Fundamentals | 3 credits |
MGT 225 | Business Law I | 3 credits |
MGT 201 | Decision Science I | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Course | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Course | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
MGT 212 | Managerial and Cost Accounting Fundamentals | 3 credits |
MGT 200 | Principles of Management | 3 credits |
MGT 250 | Quantitative Business Analysis | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Course | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Course | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Junior Year
MGT 301 | Financial Management I | 3 credits |
MGT 204 | Principles of Marketing | 3 credits |
ENGL 205 | Workplace Writing | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Course | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Course | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
MGT 352 | Human Resource Management | 3 credits |
MGT 355 | Business Ethics | 3 credits |
| | |
MGT 354 | Retail Management | 3 credits |
OR | | |
MGT 325 | Logistics Management | 3 credits |
| | |
MGT 370 | Consumer Behavior | 3 credits |
GenEd ____ | General Education Course | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Senior Year
MGT 371 | Advertising Management | 3 credits |
OR | | |
MGT 472 | Sales Management | 3 credits |
| | |
MGT 350 | Quantitative Business Analysis II | 3 credits |
OR | | |
MGT 375 | Innovation and New Product Development | 3 credits |
| | |
XXXX ____ | Elective (300 Level) | 3 credits |
XXXX ____ | Elective (300 Level) | 3 credits |
XXXX ___ | Elective | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
MGT 470 | Marketing Research | 3 credits |
MGT 471 | Marketing Management and Strategy | 3 credits |
MGT 452 | Organizational Strategy | 3 credits |
XXXX ____ | Elective (300 Level) | 3 credits |
XXXX ____ | Elective (300 Level) | 3 credits |
| Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Total Credit Hours: 120
- For more information, contact the department by calling 570-422-3251 or visit www.esu.edu/cbm.
- For assistance or special accommodations, call 570-422-3954.