Students will explore small business and social entrepreneurship in the visual arts. In-class lectures and presentations will be supplemented by guest speakers and class trips. Students will engage in professional entrepreneurship in the arts projects. Topics covered in this course include, but are not limited to: arts administration, freelancing, online marketing and web design, business law and financing in the arts.
3 credits
Four (4) of the following with a minimum of two courses in ART:
ART 101,
ART 130,
ART 151,
ART 153,
ART 154,
ART 220,
ART 251,
ART 252,
ART 253,
ART 254,
ART 255,
ART 280,
DMET 100,
DMET 105,
DMET 205,
MGT 200,
MGT 204,
THTR 101,
THTR 210,
THTR 220,
THTR 230,
THTR 240
Advanced (ADVD)Notes
Academic Level: 140-UG Level 4 Advanced
Modalities: In Person