The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Integrated Art and Design is a 60 credit professional program that allows you the flexibility to incorporate courses in other disciplines into your major concentrations of Fine and New Media Art, Graphic Design and Product Design. As the skills required in graphic, web and product design, illustration, new/multimedia art, arts administration and arts management increasingly overlap, integrating courses across the concentrations and in other disciplines like digital media, communications, sciences, management and other humanities will give you a wide breadth of creative, technical and professional competencies that will improve your career prospects.

This program prepares you for entry-level positions or entrance into Master of Fine Arts graduate program. 

Program Features

60 credits

Required Core Courses:

ART 151GN: Basic Drawing

3 credits

ART 153GN: Two-Dimensional Design

3 credits

ART 154GN: Three-Dimensional Design

3 credits

ART 201GN: History of Art I

3 credits

ART 202GN: History of Art II

3 credits


Fine and New Media Art Concentration

Courses required for the Fine and New Media Art Concentration

ART 251GN: Sculpture

3 credits


ART 253GN: Introduction to Ceramics

3 credits


ART 254GN: Painting I

3 credits

ART 414Portfolio In Art + Design

3 credits

ART 496Fine Arts Seminar

3 credits

ART XXXOne upper level art history course

3 credits

ART XXXFive design or studio arts courses

15 credits

And 15 credit hours from other disciplines, including ART, upon advisement from faculty in both Art + Design and related departments.  At least 6 credits must be from 300-400 level courses.

Graphic Design Concentration

Courses required for the Graphic Design Concentration
ART 207GN: Letterforms

3 credits

ART 220GN: Graphic Design I

3 credits

ART 252GN: Product Design I

3 credits


ART 211GN: Infographics and Data Visualization

3 credits


ART 280GN: Design for Communication

3 credits


ART 320Graphic Design II

3 credits

ART 351Advanced 3D Design

3 credits

ART 405Illustration

3 credits

ART 414Portfolio In Art + Design

3 credits

ART 420Graphic Design III: Design Agency

3 credits

ART 486Field Experience and Internship (Semester hours arranged)

3 - 12 Credits


One additional Art History course from


ART 290Special Topics:

(Semester hours arranged)

ART 302American Art

3 credits

ART 304GE: Art Gallery Management

3 credits

ART 305Art Since 1940

3 credits

ART 307Modern Art

3 credits

ART 317Modern Architecture

3 credits

ART 322The History of Photography

3 credits

ART 412[WS] Women Artists: Middle Ages to Present

3 credits

ART 485IS:

2 - 6 credits

And 9 semester hours from interdisciplinary areas, including ART upon advisement from faculty in both Art + Design and related department(s).  At least 6 credits must be from advanced level courses.  Suggested but not limited to areas of interdisciplinary study:  CMST, DMET, MGT and THTR.

Co-requisite course

CMST 111GN: Introduction to Communication

3 credits

Product Design Concentration

Courses required for Product Design Concentration
ART 220GN: Graphic Design I

3 credits

ART 252GN: Product Design I

3 credits

ART 255Materials and Processes

3 credits

ART 320Graphic Design II

3 credits

ART 330Digital Modeling

3 credits

ART 351Advanced 3D Design

3 credits

ART 352Product Design II

3 credits

ART 414Portfolio In Art + Design

3 credits

ART 452Object Design III

3 credits

ART 486Field Experience and Internship (Semester hours arranged)

3 - 12 Credits


One additional Art History course from


ART 290Special Topics:

(Semester hours arranged)

ART 302American Art

3 credits

ART 304GE: Art Gallery Management

3 credits

ART 305Art Since 1940

3 credits

ART 307Modern Art

3 credits

ART 317Modern Architecture

3 credits

ART 322The History of Photography

3 credits

ART 412[WS] Women Artists: Middle Ages to Present

3 credits

ART 485IS:

2 - 6 credits

And 9 semester hours from interdisciplinary areas, including ART, upon advisement from faculty in both Art + Design department and related department(s).  Recommended:  PHYS 111 Engineering Graphics, PHYS 161 GN: Physics I.  At least 3 credits must be from advanced level courses.  Suggested but not limited areas of interdisciplinary study:  CMST, DMET, MGT, THTR.

4 Year Curriculum Program Plan

(Subject to change by the university without notice)

Fine and New Media Art Concentration

Freshman Year

ART 151GN: Basic Drawing

3 credits

ART 153GN: Two-Dimensional Design

3 credits

FYE 100University Studies

3 credits

ENGL 103English Composition

3 credits

HPLW 105Health Promotion and Lifetime Wellness

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15
ART 154GN: Three-Dimensional Design

3 credits

ART 254GN: Painting I

3 credits

CMST 111GN: Introduction to Communication

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective

6 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Sophomore Year

ART 201GN: History of Art I

3 credits


ART 251GN: Sculpture

3 credits


ART 253GN: Introduction to Ceramics

3 credits


GenEd ____General Education Electives

9 credits

Total Credit Hours:15
ART 202GN: History of Art II

3 credits

ART ____Studio Art or Design Course

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Electives

9 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Junior Year

ART ____Studio Art or Design Course

6 credits

ART ___Upper Level Art History Elective

3 credits

XXXX ___Elective

6 credits

Total Credit Hours:15
___Art or Design Course with 3-0-6 Designation

6 credits

GenEd ____General Education Electives

9 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Senior Year

___Art or Design Course with 3-0-6 Designation

6 credits

GenEd ____General Education Electives

9 credits

Total Credit Hours:0-15
ART 414Portfolio In Art + Design

3 credits

ART 496Fine Arts Seminar

3 credits

XXXX ____Upper Level Electives 3-9 credits


Total Credit Hours:0-15

Graphic Design Concentration

Freshman Year

ART 151GN: Basic Drawing

3 credits

ART 153GN: Two-Dimensional Design

3 credits

FYE 100University Studies

3 credits

ENGL 103English Composition

3 credits

HPLW 105Health Promotion and Lifetime Wellness

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15
ART 154GN: Three-Dimensional Design

3 credits

ART 220GN: Graphic Design I

3 credits

CMST 111GN: Introduction to Communication

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Sophomore Year

ART 201GN: History of Art I

3 credits

ART 207GN: Letterforms

3 credits

ART 252GN: Product Design I

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15
ART 202GN: History of Art II

3 credits


ART 211GN: Infographics and Data Visualization

3 credits


ART 280GN: Design for Communication

3 credits


GenEd ___General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Junior Year

ART 255Materials and Processes

3 credits


XXXX ___Interdisciplinary Elective

3 credits


ART 320Graphic Design II

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

ART ___Upper Level Art History Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15
ART 330Digital Modeling

3 credits


ART 351Advanced 3D Design

3 credits


ART 420Graphic Design III: Design Agency

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Senior Year

ART 405Illustration

3 credits

ART 486Field Experience and Internship (Semester hours arranged)

3 - 12 Credits

XXXX ____Upper Level Electives 3-9 credits


Total Credit Hours:15
ART 414Portfolio In Art + Design

3 credits

ART 487Independent Study in Studio/Design:


XXXX ____Electives 3-9 credits


Total Credit Hours:15

Product Design Concentration

Freshman Year

ART 151GN: Basic Drawing

3 credits

ART 153GN: Two-Dimensional Design

3 credits

FYE 100University Studies

3 credits

ENGL 103English Composition

3 credits

HPLW 105Health Promotion and Lifetime Wellness

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15
ART 154GN: Three-Dimensional Design

3 credits

ART 220GN: Graphic Design I

3 credits

CMST 111GN: Introduction to Communication

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Sophomore Year

ART 201GN: History of Art I

3 credits

ART 130GN: Introduction to 3D Printing

3 credits

ART 252GN: Product Design I

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15
ART 202GN: History of Art II

3 credits

ART 255Materials and Processes

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Junior Year

ART 320Graphic Design II

3 credits

ART ____ART Elective

3 credits

ART ___Upper Level Art History Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Course

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15
ART 330Digital Modeling

3 credits


ART 351Advanced 3D Design

3 credits


ART 352Product Design II

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Senior Year

ART 452Object Design III

3 credits

ART 486Field Experience and Internship (Semester hours arranged)

3 - 12 Credits

XXXX ____Upper Level Electives 3-9 credits


Total Credit Hours:15
ART 414Portfolio In Art + Design

3 credits

ART 487Independent Study in Studio/Design:


XXXX ____Electives 3-9 credits


Total Credit Hours:15

For more information, contact the Department of Art + Design 570-422-3694,