Courses may be added during the first eight calendar days for spring and fall semester through the student portal myESU.
Courses may be dropped (no record on academic transcript) during the first eight calendar days of the semester for spring and fall semesters through the student portal myESU.
Students who withdraw from a course beginning day nine through week 10 will receive a grade of “W” for that course on their permanent record. Instructor permission may be required to withdraw from a course.
After the 10th week the student may withdraw only if there are extraordinary circumstances (e.g. illness, death in the family, etc.). In this situation the student must also secure the appropriate dean’s signature and submit it to the Student Enrollment Center. A grade of “W” will be assigned if the student is passing; “Z” will be assigned if the student is failing.
Any student who discontinues attendance in a course without formally withdrawing will be assigned an “E” as a final grade. Through the class roster verification process, a student who has not attended a course during the first week (first five class days of the semester or first two days of summer session) may be dropped from the course by the instructor.
A student may withdraw (“W” or “Z”) from a maximum of 16 credits during the student’s stay at the university. Any course dropped during the first week of the semester, for which no grade is assigned, will not be counted toward this limit, nor will received for a total semester withdrawal from the university.
A student attending a course without proper registration and payment of all tuition and fees does not constitute de facto enrollment. The university will not permit retroactive enrollment in or payment for any class after the end of the term in which the course is offered.
Type of Action |
Semester |
Quarter |
Summer Session 3 weeks |
Summer or Winter Session 6 weeks |
No record on academic transcript |
Day 8 |
First 4 days |
1st day |
2 days |
Grade of W |
Day 9 |
4th day through 5th week |
2nd day through 2nd week |
3rd day through 4th week |
No withdrawal* |
11th through 15th week |
6th through 7 1/2 week |
3rd week |
5th through 6th week |
*Except for extraordinary circumstances as previously defined.