SOC 201 GE: The Comparison of Societies
The sport management internship will provide the student an opportunity to learn while applying their skills working with people in high school, college, private or professional settings. All sport management internship sites must be approved by the department faculty. Each application for an internship must be approved by the faculty member in charge of the experience, the director/supervisor of the site where the internship will be done, and the department chair. Application deadlines are October 15 for spring semester internships and March 15 for fall and summer internships. Prerequisites: Faculty recommendations on qualities essential for success in the assigned environment. Successful completion of 90 semester hours of credit. No incomplete grades in any required courses. A minimum average of 2.5 overall in the major.
3 credits
GE:Social Sciences - SociologyNotes
120-UG Level 2 Intermed/Found