Program Features

18-21 Credits

This program offers a choice of one of four different tracks: Photography, Graphics, Interactive or Video. Selection of one of these minors is done after consultation with the appropriate faculty adviser in the student’s major and/or the chair of the Department of Media Communication and Technology.

Track Requirements:


DMET 160Introduction to Multimedia

3 credits

DMET 255Desktop Publishing

3 credits

DMET 355Advanced Web Design

3 credits

DMET 375Imaging Technology

3 credits

DMET 477Interactive Media and Social Media

3 credits

DMET 478Introduction to Interactive 3D

3 credits


DMET 105Introduction to Digital Photography

3 credits

DMET 140Media Theories and Practices

3 credits

DMET 160Introduction to Multimedia

3 credits

DMET 205Photography: Wildlife and Nature

3 credits

DMET 305Intermediate Digital Photo

3 credits


DMET 105Introduction to Digital Photography

3 credits

DMET 140Media Theories and Practices

3 credits

DMET 160Introduction to Multimedia

3 credits

DMET 255Desktop Publishing

3 credits

DMET 350Media Graphics and Designs

3 credits


DMET 105Introduction to Digital Photography

3 credits

DMET 110Introduction to Motion Media

3 credits

DMET 140Media Theories and Practices

3 credits

DMET 160Introduction to Multimedia

3 credits

DMET 210Television: Studio Production

3 credits

DMET 230Sound Recording

3 credits

DMET 315Electronic Field Production

3 credits