Program Features

20 credits

Required courses:

CPSC 130GE: Introduction to Computer Programming I

3 credits

CPSC 131Introduction to Computer Programming II

3 credits

CPSC 141Introduction to Computer Organization

3 credits

and a minimum of 11 credits chosen from any CPSC course numbered 103 or higher:

ECON 332Forecasting Methods

3 credits

ECON 415Econometrics

3 credits

MGT 451Management Science I

3 credits

HRTM 351Hospitality & Tourism Information Systems

3 credits

MATH 411Statistics II

3 credits

MATH 416Linear Statistical Modeling Methods with SAS

3 credits

MATH 425Introduction to Mathematical Modeling

3 credits

MATH 445Mathematics in Modern Technology

3 credits

MATH 470Numerical Methods

3 credits

MATH 480Operations Research

3 credits

DMET 265Instructional Computing Methods

3 credits

DMET 355Advanced Web Design

3 credits

DMET 475Educational Software for Computers

3 credits

PHYS 111Engineering Graphics

2 credits

PHYS 415Computational Physics

3 credits

SMGT 346Computer Application in Sport Management

3 credits

Additional requirements:

To complete the minor, the student must earn a “C” grade or better in all six courses applied to the minor, and must complete at least three CPSC courses at ESU with a “C” grade or better.