Coordinator: Professor Kathleen Brunkard

Program Features

56 credits

Required courses:

BIOL 114GE: Introductory Biology I

4 credits

BIOL 115GE: Introductory Biology II

4 credits

BIOL 200General Ecology

3 credits

BIOL 331Genetics

3 credits


BIOL 340Animal Physiology

4 credits


BIOL 422Plant Physiology

4 credits


BIOL 495Seminar I

1 credits


BIOL 496Seminar II

1 credits


BIOL 499Student Teaching Internships

1 credits

a minimum of 14 additional semester hours in Biological Sciences except for:

BIOL 103GE: Forensic Biology

3 credits

BIOL 105GE: General Biology

3 credits

BIOL 106GE: Insects & Human Life

3 credits

(cannot include more than six credits in BIOL 484 plus BIOL 486)

Co-requisite courses:

CHEM 121GE: General Chemistry I

3 credits

CHEM 123GE: General Chemistry I Lab

1 credits

CHEM 124GE: General Chemistry II

3 credits

CHEM 126GE: General Chemistry II Lab

1 credits

CHEM 233Organic Chemistry I

3 credits

CHEM 235Organic Chemistry I Lab

1 credits

PHYS 131GE: Fundamental Physics I

4 credits

two courses in Mathematics:

one must be:

MATH 135GE: Pre-Calculus

3 credits


MATH 140GE: Calculus I

4 credits


CHEM 234, CHEM 236, and PHYS 132 are strongly recommended.

A minimum of a “C” required for courses in the Biological Sciences.

Required professional education courses:

PSED 150Introduction to Teaching All Students

6 credits

PSED 250The Psychology of Learners In Diverse Communities

3 credits

PSED 420Seminar in Secondary Education I: Instructional Structures and Strategies

3 credits

PSED 421Seminar in Secondary Education II: Teaching Secondary Students In Diverse, Inclusive Classroom

3 credits

PSED 446Teaching of Science in the Secondary Schools

3 credits

PSED 430Student Teaching in Secondary Education/ Middle School/Junior High School

6 credits

PSED 431Student Teaching in Secondary Education/ Senior High School

6 credits

SPED 350Assessment of Student Learning and Behavior in Diverse Communities

3 credits

REED 350Teaching Reading to Communities of Diverse Learners

3 credits

Required quality point average:

2.50 or greater for courses in Biological Sciences.

Additional requirements: