Coordinator: Professor Terry L. Master

Program Features

80-83 Credits

Required courses:

BIOL 114GE: Introductory Biology I

4 credits

BIOL 115GE: Introductory Biology II

4 credits

BIOL 200General Ecology

3 credits

BIOL 331Genetics

3 credits


BIOL 340Animal Physiology

4 credits


BIOL 422Plant Physiology

4 credits


BIOL 351Animal Behavior Lab

1 credits

BIOL 495Seminar I

1 credits

BIOL 496Seminar II

1 credits

and a minimum of 9 additional credits in biology at 300 level or above

Co-requisite courses:

PSY 101GE: Introduction to Psychology

3 credits

PSY 201Quantitative Psychology

3 credits


PSY 202Experimental Psychology

3 credits


PSY 304Empirical Foundations of Learning

4 credits


PSY 311Physiological Psych

4 credits

PSY 313Comparative Psychology

4 credits

CHEM 121GE: General Chemistry I

3 credits

CHEM 123GE: General Chemistry I Lab

1 credits

CHEM 124GE: General Chemistry II

3 credits

CHEM 126GE: General Chemistry II Lab

1 credits

CHEM 233Organic Chemistry I

3 credits

CHEM 234Organic Chemistry II

3 credits

CHEM 235Organic Chemistry I Lab

1 credits

CHEM 236Organic Chemistry II Lab

1 credits

PHYS 131GE: Fundamental Physics I

4 credits

PHYS 132GE: Fundamental Physics II

4 credits

three courses in mathematics or two in mathematics and one course in computer science;

(one MATH must be MATH 135, MATH 140 or MATH 141; MATH 090, MATH 100, MATH 101, and MATH 105 are NOT ACCEPTED).

MATH 110GE: General Statistics

3 credits

MATH 130GE: Applied Algebraic Methods

3 credits

MATH 131GE: Applied Calculus

3 credits

MATH 135GE: Pre-Calculus

3 credits

MATH 140GE: Calculus I

4 credits

MATH 141GE: Calculus II

4 credits

MATH 311Statistics I

3 credits

MATH 411Statistics II

3 credits

CPSC 101GE: Personal Computers and Their Uses in the Sciences

3 credits

A minimum grade of “C” is required in all required and co-requisite courses.

Required quality point average:

2.5 or greater in Biology courses.

Additional requirements:

  • At least one-half (17) of the credit hours required in biology must be completed at East Stroudsburg University.

This is an interdisciplinary concentration offered in conjunction with the Psychology Department.