Required Courses:   (9 credits)

ENGL 103  (3 credits)

FYE course  (3 credits)

Wellness course  (H)  (3 credits)

Breadth Requirement:   (36 credits)

Group A - Arts and Letters (12 credits)

Must include at least 4 of the following:

English Language and Literature (AEL)

Fine Arts - Art, Communication, Dance, Music, Theatre (AFA)

Modern Languages (AML)

Performing Arts - Communication, Dance, Music, Theatre (APA)

Philosophy (APH)

Group B - Science (12 credits)

Must include at least 4 of the following*:

Biology (BBI)

Chemistry (BCH)

Computer Science (BCS)

Mathematics (BMA)

Physics (BPH)

Psychology (BPS)

*One of the four must have completion of the Math Competency as a prerequisite

Group C - Social Science (12 credits)

Must include at least 4 of the following:

Economics (CED)

Geography (CGE)

History (CHI)

Political Science (CPS)

Sociology (CSO)

Overlay Requirements:

Level II Writing requirement  (W2)

Level III Writing requirement  (W3)

Global Diversity and Citizenship requirement (G)

Communication requirement (C)

Information Literacy/Technology requirement (I)

Artistic Expression requirement (A)