During each semester of the academic year, East Stroudsburg University selects two undergraduate students to participate in The Harrisburg Internship Semester (THIS), sponsored by the State System of Higher Education and administered by the Dixon University Center in Harrisburg. Students selected are placed with policy makers in state government offices and agencies. Each THIS intern earns 15 credits: nine credits for the internship program, three credits for a research project, and three credits for participating in an academic seminar. A stipend covers tuition and living expenses. To be eligible to apply, a student must have maintained a 3.1 GPA in at least 60 credits.
However, students with 90 or more credits are given priority. These internships are available to students from all majors who are interested in public policy aspects of their disciplines.
For application materials or more information, contact the THIS campus coordinator, Dr. Andrea McClanahan, at 570-422-3697 .