Cynthia D. Shapira, Ed.D., Chair 
David M. Maser, Board Vice Chair: Chair: Student Success
Samuel H. Smith, Board Vice Chair: Chair: Governance and Leadership
Marian D. Moskowitz, Vice Chair: Student Success Committee
Neil R. Weaver, Vice Chair: University Success Committee
Larry C. Skinner, Chair: University Success Committee
Janet L. Yeomans, Chair: Audit and Compliance Committee
Robert W. Bogle
Rep. Tim Briggs
Tanya I. GarciaPh.D, Designee for Secretary of Education
William “Bill” Gindlesperger
Eric Hagarty, Acting Secretary of Education
Allison Jones, Designee for Gov. Tom Wolf
Sen. Scott Martin
Rep. Brad Roae
Alexander C. Roberts
Sen. Judith L. Schwank
Zakariya Scott
Skylar Walder
Tom Wolf, Governor