Program Features

33 Credits

Required courses:

SOC 111GN: Introduction to Sociology

3 credits

SOC 241GN: Contemporary Social Problems

3 credits

SOC 254Quantitative Analysis in Sociology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice

3 credits

SOC 255Sociological Inquiry

3 credits

SOC 312Research Methods

3 credits

SOC 370Sociological Theory

3 credits

SOC 495Seminar

3 credits

and a minimum of 3 credits in one of the following

SOC 486Field Work and Observation

1 - 15 credits

SOC 485IS:

3 credits

and a minimum of 12 additional credits in Sociology

Other requirements:

21 semester credits in Sociology must be earned at ESU including:

SOC 254Quantitative Analysis in Sociology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice

3 credits

SOC 255Sociological Inquiry

3 credits

SOC 312Research Methods

3 credits

SOC 370Sociological Theory

3 credits

SOC 495Seminar

3 credits

4 Year Curriculum Program Plan

(Subject to change by the university without notice)

Freshman Year


SOC 111GN: Introduction to Sociology

3 credits

ENGL 103English Composition

3 credits

FYE 100University Studies

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


SOC 241GN: Contemporary Social Problems

3 credits

CMST 111GN: Introduction to Communication

3 credits

HPLW 105Health Promotion and Lifetime Wellness

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Sophomore Year


SOC 254Quantitative Analysis in Sociology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice

3 credits


SOC 255Sociological Inquiry

3 credits


SOC ____Sociology Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


SOC 254Quantitative Analysis in Sociology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice

3 credits


SOC 255Sociological Inquiry

3 credits


SOC ____Sociology Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ___General Education Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Junior Year


SOC 312Research Methods

3 credits


SOC 370Sociological Theory

3 credits


SOC ____Sociology Elective (300 or 400 level)

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

GenEd ____General Education Elective

3 credits

XXXX ___Free Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


SOC 312Research Methods

3 credits


SOC 370Sociological Theory

3 credits


SOC ____Sociology Elective (300 or 400 level)

3 credits

XXXX ___Free Elective

3 credits

XXXX ___Free Elective

3 credits

XXXX ___Free Elective

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Senior Year


SOC 485IS:

3 credits


SOC 486Field Work and Observation

1 - 15 credits

XXXX ____Free Electives

12 credits

Total Credit Hours:15


SOC 495Seminar

3 credits

XXXX ____Free Electives

12 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Total Credit Hours: 120

For more information, contact the department at 570-422-3453 or visit Stroud Hall, Room 101 570-422-3453.