This senior seminar is designed to introduce students to theories, issues, controversies and methodological approaches Ito the study of political science. The course will examine political topics related to American political thought, the American Presidency, Congress and Public Opinion, American Political Parties, Political Behavior, Political Communication, and National Security, paying very close attention to the methodological approaches used in the readings. Students are required to use the research tools discussed in class and analyzed in the readings to conduct their own independent, original research.

POLS 317 - Exploring Politics: Methods and Techniques is a highly recommended, but not required, pre-requisite. 


3 credits


(POLS 111 or POLS 120) and ENGL 103


Advanced (ADVD) | Level III Writing (W3)


Academic Level: 140-UG Level 4 Advanced

Modalities: In Person | DE1 (100% Online)