Newtonian mechanics is examined and applied to situations including gravitation, rotation and oscillations, with a focus on being able to apply a few general laws and definitions to a wide variety of novel situations. Experimental skills will be developed with an emphasis on the interpretation of data, such as the identification of patterns and uncertainties in the data and calculations and testing possible mechanisms consistent with those patterns.

This is the first course in a algebra-based (non-calculus) two course sequence for science majors.


4 credits


MATH 135 (Grade of B- or higher) and MATH 140 (Grade of C- or higher) or Satisfaction of ESU Basic Mathematical Skills Competency (Math SAT: 500+)


GE: Natural Sciences - Physics (NSPH) │ GN: Group B - Physics (BPH) | Math Competency (M)


Academic Level: 120-UG Level 2 Found/Intermed

Modalities: In Person