East Stroudsburg University offers an excellent graduate assistantship program. The primary purpose of the program is to enhance the student's academic experience while pursuing a graduate degree at ESU.

Therefore, graduate assistantships are available to attract the "best and brightest" prospective students to ESU graduate programs and to provide highly qualified graduate students with professional development experiences related to research and leadership in their field of study.

Graduate assistants function under the auspices of graduate faculty on academic, clinical, research, or leadership activities or special projects related to the field of graduate study. Graduate assistant appointments are awarded on a competitive basis to highly qualified students without regard to financial need.

Therefore, the awarding of a graduate assistantship is an honor as well as a scholarship.  The Graduate & Extended Studies is the designated unit on campus to officially offer graduate assistantships to students, based upon the recommendation of an academic department.

Finally, a graduate assistant at all times is subject to all existing and any new policies, procedures, and rules that arise during the term of award and assistantships are based on available funding.

Graduate & Extended Studies offers a variety of graduate assistantships, categorized as follows:

  • Academic or research graduate assistantships are available to highly qualified graduate students in any degree program. Academic graduate assistants are assigned to function under the auspices of a faculty member in their department. Responsibilities include academic, clinical, or research activities related to the field of study.
  • Administrative graduate assistantships are available on a limited basis to highly qualified graduate students from any degree program.
  • Frederick Douglass Institute graduate assistantships are named after Frederick Douglass, the 19th-century American abolitionist. Consideration for this scholarship is in keeping with the spirit of Douglass' life of public service and the university's mission to be a source of encouragement to historically underrepresented and underserved populations who have a commitment to leadership, social involvement, and commitment to education, as evidence by their professional experiences or professional goals.

    Frederick Douglass Institute graduate assistantships are open to applicants with a record of academic achievement and scholarship who demonstrate potential for leadership and ability to promote unity in a civil society.

    Students with Frederick Douglass Institute graduate assistantships will be assigned to function under the auspices of graduate faculty in an academic department or administrators to enhance their leadership skills and serve the Frederick Douglass Institute.

  • Residence life graduate assistantships are available on a limited basis to qualified, full-time graduate students in any degree program.

    Residence life graduate assistants are assigned to and receive room in one of the university residence halls and provide services as needed by the Office of Residence Life and Housing in the management of the residence halls.

    Residence life graduate assistantships require availability one week before and after the academic semester, as well as on evenings and weekends throughout the semester.