Academic Enrichment and Learning

College of Education Department Faculty

Department Chair:

Kelly McKenzie, Chair (


Jack Truschel, (

Assistant Professor:

Beverlyn Grace-Odeleye (

Kelly McKenzie, Chair (

Jessica Santiago (

Department Professional Coaches:

Jan Hoffman (

Eric Lee (

Matthew Simmons (

About the Program

The mission of the Department of Academic Enrichment and Learning is to provide the diverse student population of ESU with support, opportunities and academic programs to enhance engagement; to support transition to the university; to encourage life-long learning; and to foster academic achievement and degree completion.

The Department offers advising for Exploratory Studies and ACHIEVE students (students who fall below a 2.0 GPA), STAR students, peer mentoring, and tutoring.

Exploratory Studies:

The Exploratory Studies program is designed to meet the needs of students who wish to explore their options in order to find a “best fit” major. Academic advisors and success coaches prepare undergraduate students to navigate all aspects of academic planning by promoting an atmosphere that encourages self-exploration and resource utilization in support of academic success, as well as the timely and informed pursuit of an academic major.


The Achieve program helps to empower and propel degree-seeking undergraduate students on academic warning towards persona and academic achievement. Faculty advisers and academic success coaches utilize appreciative, strengths-based academic coaching strategies to encourage self-awareness, develop action-steps to goal attainment, and the establishment of positive life habits.

University-Wide Peer Mentor Program: 

The Peer Mentor program helps to ease the transition of new students to East Stroudsburg University so that they may succeed personally, socially, and academically. Additionally, the program helps each new student connect with other peers and an upper-class mentor, and ultimately the institution as a whole.

University-Wide Tutorial Program: 

The Tutorial Program assists students with achieving personal, academic, and career goals by enabling them adapt to the academic environment of college, improve their academic success, and enhance the quality of their scholarly work. The program provides high-quality academic assistance through one-on-one, walk  in, and small group peer tutoring and peer Learning Assistance for specific 100 and 200-level courses and some upper division courses. 
These courses are designed to meet specific needs of groups of students or courses to be offered on a trial basis in order to determine the demand for introducing them as part of the university curriculum.