34 - 37 credits

Purpose of Degree

The purpose of the Master of Science degree in Sport Management is to offer graduate level instruction based in theory while providing opportunities to apply competencies to practical settings.

The Master of Science degree program in Sport Management prepares students for professional careers in the sport management industry. Students who successfully complete the program pursue career interests that may range from athletic administration in public and private schools, colleges, and universities, to the private sector, including sport clubs and professional athletics. This program requires an on-site internship of at least seven credit hours and the successful completion of the Sport Management Comprehensive Examination.

In summary, the Master of Science in Sport Management prepares graduates to enter a complex, changing global world with competence and confidence. The area of study is consistent with the North American Society of Sport Management (NASSM) review protocol.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students graduating from the Master of Science Degree program in Sport Management will be able to:

  1. Illustrate knowledge of managerial principles required of sport managers in a contemporary sport setting.
  2. Utilize sport industry vernacular and professional oral and written communication skills when interacting in the workplace.
  3. Identify and describe best practices and research methods used by professionals in the sport industry.
  4. Demonstrate critical thinking skills to interpret issues confronting professionals in sport management.

Program of Study

Student Qualifications • Undergraduate Prerequisites Support • Advisement

Prospective students should possess a common body of knowledge essential for successful advanced study in sport management. This body of knowledge typically includes undergraduate coursework or life experience contributing to a foundation of knowledge in the following areas: sport studies; health and physical education; and hotel and tourism.

Typical time to finish:

Students enrolling in the program on a full-time basis will have an opportunity to complete the required coursework within a full academic year and, depending on their internship and other program requirements, will typically complete all degree requirements in three full semesters.

Illustrative Plan of Study

All graduate students pursuing a Master of Science degree with a major in Sport Management will complete the following coursework (minimum 34 total credits required):

The minimum course requirements are as follows:

Required core courses

27 credits coursework, 7-10 credits internship:

SMGT 513Advanced Research Methods

3 credits

SMGT 519Sport and Society

3 credits

SMGT 523Administration: Physical Education Sport Programs

3 credits

SMGT 546Planning and Management of Sport Facilities

3 credits

SMGT 547Sports Business & Finance

3 credits

SMGT 548Sports Marketing

3 credits

SMGT 549Sports and the Law

3 credits

SMGT 550Sport Personnel Management

3 credits

SMGT 570Introduction to Research

3 credits

SMGT 586Field Experience & Internship

3 - 12 credits

Elective courses

Students may choose the following elective coursework:

SMGT 551Application of Computers to Sport Management

3 credits

SMGT 553Ethical Issues in Sport Management

3 credits

SMGT 559Public Relations in Sports Management

3 credits

Final graduation requirement

Students are required to take a comprehensive exam based on the required coursework.

Admissions Requirement and Deadlines

Students will be admitted to the program based on demonstration of an academic record that fulfills the existing Graduate Studies criteria required for admission. Additional supporting documents include successful completion of the GRE and/or GMAT exams. Students applying for admission to the Master of Science degree program in Sport Management are strongly encouraged to apply by March 15 before the academic year in which they are seeking admission.

Graduate Assistantships

Graduate assistantships are available through the department. These are awarded based upon merit and achievement to full-time students in the graduate program. Graduate assistants do not teach classes, but complete projects and tasks assigned by professors.

The graduate assistantship is awarded for the first year of full-time study, with the possibility of extension through the first summer. Prospective students should apply for a graduate assistantship at the time of original application to the program, using the application form online.

For more information, contact: Dr. Jaedeock Lee, at 570-422-3340 or by e-mail at jaedeock@esu.edu.