18 Credits

The 18-credit minor in Sociology emphasizes developing the knowledge and skills necessary for students to think critically and imaginatively about social issues and to promote social betterment. The minor has four required courses: SOC 102 Introduction to Cultural Diversity, SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology, SOC 255 Sociological Inquiry and SOC 370 Sociological Theory. The remaining two courses in the minor are electives that can be taken in any of several areas of study within the field of Sociology.

The goals of the minor include the acquisition of knowledge about human diversity, social inequality, and the pursuit of social justice. The Sociology minor not only complements the Social Work and Criminal Justice majors offered in the department, but also many other majors across disciplines within the behavioral and social sciences, humanities, health sciences, education and management.

Program Features

Required courses:

SOC 102GN: Introduction to Cultural Diversity

3 credits

SOC 111GN: Introduction to Sociology

3 credits

SOC 255Sociological Inquiry

3 credits

SOC 370Sociological Theory

3 credits

Additional requirements:

6 credits of Sociology electives. Eligible courses include:

SOC 201GN: The Comparison of Societies

3 credits

SOC 231GN: Marriage and Family

3 credits

SOC 241GN: Contemporary Social Problems

3 credits

SOC 290Special Topics:

(Semester hours arranged)

SOC 331Human Behavior and the Social Environment

3 credits

SOC 341GE: Advanced Criminology

3 credits

SOC 342GE: Juvenile Delinquency

3 credits

SOC 343GE: Racial and Cultural Minorities

3 credits

SOC 344Social Deviance

3 credits

SOC 372Sociology of Religion

3 credits

SOC 374Political Sociology

3 credits

SOC 377GE: WS: Sociology of Women

3 credits

Of these, no more than one can be taken below the 300 level.